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complexities 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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complexities, plural;
  1. The state or quality of being intricate or complicated
    • - an issue of great complexity
  2. A factor involved in a complicated process or situation
    • - the complexities of family life

  1. (complexity) the quality of being intricate and compounded; "he enjoyed the complexity of modern computers"
  2. (Complexity) In general usage, complexity tends to be used to characterize something with many parts in intricate arrangement. The study of these complex linkages is the main goal of network theory and network science. ...
  3. (Complexity (wine)) The use of wine tasting descriptors allow the taster an opportunity to put into words the aromas and flavors that they experience and can be used in assessing the overall quality of wine. ...
  4. (complexity) The state of being complex; intricacy; entanglement; That which is and renders complex; intricacy; complication
  5. (Complexity) An element in all great wines and many very good ones; a combination of richness, depth, flavor intensity, focus, balance, harmony and finesse.
  6. (Complexity) This is the ideal for a great wine. Flavor and aroma/bouquet are layered to create a wine with a rich, complex character.
  7. (Complexity) the level of difficulty to build, solve or understand something based on the number of inputs, interactions and uncertainty involved.
  8. (COMPLEXITY) When a wine is at once rich and deep, yet balanced and showing finesse. No greater compliment can be paid a wine. A mature Chateau Latour, d’Yquem or La Tache Burgundy are prime examples of complex wines.
  9. (Complexity) the degree of difficulty which a purchaser of a new product has in understanding it; a major determinant of the rate of new product adoption.
  10. (Complexity) A tasting term describing coffees whose taste sensations shift and layer pleasurably, and give the impression of depth and resonance.
  11. (complexity) The degree to which a component or system has a design and/or internal structure that is difficult to understand, maintain and verify. See also cyclomatic complexity.
  12. (complexity) The multiple layers of nuanced aromas and flavors that are woven together in a wine, creating a harmonious depth.
  13. (Complexity) The amount of differentiation in an organization.
  14. (Complexity) The term used when a wine has multiple flavour and aroma characteristics.
  15. (Complexity) This occurs with the best wines.  They will have several descriptors on the nose, taste, and finish.  Very few wines achieve great complexity.
  16. (Complexity) A descriptive term for depth and variety of flavors in a coffee.
  17. (Complexity) Multiple layers and nuances of bouquet and flavor that are perfectly balanced, completely harmonious, and delightfully interesting.
  18. (COMPLEXITY) The layers and combination of flavors, whether full or delicate, that contribute to a pleasurable smoke.
  19. (Complexity (of gene sequence)) The term "low complexity sequence" may be thought of as synonymous with regions of locally biased amino acid composition. ...
  20. (Complexity) A description of the complex phenomena demonstrated in systems characterized by nonlinear interactive components, emergent phenomena, continuous and discontinuous change, and unpredictable outcomes. ...
  21. (Complexity) Describes a wine in which a broad range of nuances is present.
  22. (Complexity) Functional intricacy, especially the degree of diversity, connectivity, interdependence, and interaction involved in the self-organized functioning of a system.
  23. (Complexity) The agent string is very convoluted. The ad-hoc nature of browser evolution and the (lack of) standards for agent string nomenclature means that it is very difficult to interpret a string that has not previously been encountered. ...
  24. (Complexity) The combinations of richness, balance, textures, intensities, etc. to describe the wine
  25. (Complexity) The number of rules and variables that must be understood in order to play the game at a competent or intended level. The larger the rule set, the more complex the game is. Make note that while many of the best games (i.e. ...