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completions 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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completions, plural;
  1. The action or process of finishing something
    • - funds for the completion of the new building
  2. The state of being finished
    • - work on the new golf course is nearing completion
    • - the completion date is early next year
  3. A successful forward pass
    • - 21 completions in 26 attempts for 233 yards
  4. The final stage in the sale of a property, at which point it legally changes ownership
    • - the risk stays with the seller until completion
  5. The action of writing the required information on a form

  1. Questionnaires that are completed through a pre-determined question sequence and are included in the final data set for the study.
  2. The process by which a well is prepared to produce oil and gas, involving such steps as running and perforating the casing.
  3. Surveys in which all required questions are answered.
  4. all proposals for development which have been constructed or brought into use.