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completes 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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completes, 3rd person singular present; completed, past participle; completing, present participle; completed, past tense;
  1. Finish making or doing
    • - he completed his Ph.D. in 1983
  2. (esp. of a quarterback) Successfully throw (a forward pass) to a receiver
    • - he completed 12 of 16 passes for 128 yards
  3. Conclude the sale of a property

  4. Make (something) whole or perfect
    • - he only needed one thing to complete his happiness
    • - more recent box cameras complete the collection
  5. Write the required information on (a form or questionnaire)
    • - please complete the attached forms

  1. In general, an object is complete if nothing needs to be added to it. This notion is made more specific in various fields.
  2. Interviews that have been completed.
  3. Completes refer to whether the video played to completion.