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complainants 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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complainants, plural;
  1. A plaintiff in certain lawsuits

  1. (complainant) plaintiff: a person who brings an action in a court of law
  2. A plaintiff (Π in legal shorthand), also known as a claimant or complainant, is the term used in some jurisdictions, for the party who initiates a lawsuit (also known as an action) before a court. ...
  3. (Complainant) The person who brings a charge against the defendant.
  4. (Complainant) is an individual who has filed a formal, written complaint of employment discrimination.
  5. (Complainant) person who accuses another. Or, someone who called the police. (“Go to 1313 Mockingbird Lane. The complainant’s name is Herman Munster.”)
  6. (Complainant) The person who makes a complaint.
  7. (Complainant) A term used in court to refer to a victim of crime.
  8. (Complainant) A person who brings forward an EEO matter to the attention of an EEO counselor; usually refers to the person who has filed a formal EEO complaint.
  9. ("complainant") means any person who has laid a charge or complaint against another person, partnership, company or organization relative to contravention of these rules, regulations, procedures end policies of The Canadian Kennel Club.
  10. (COMPLAINANT) A document submitted by the plaintiff, usually prepared by an attorney, which lists and describes (1) alleged offenses committed by the defendant; (2) ramifications, and (3) the desired conditions for correction of such offenses.
  11. (COMPLAINANT) Anyone who raises a concern inside or outside their organization about something that he believes to be amiss. The term does not have the negative connotation of "complainer." The complainant is one who speaks up in some way about a problem. ...
  12. (Complainant) (plaignant(e))–A person who makes a complaint to the Information Commissioner on any of the grounds outlined in subsection 30(1) of the Access to Information Act or to the Privacy Commissioner on any of the grounds outlined in subsection 29(1) of the Privacy Act.
  13. (Complainant) A Physician, provider, Member, or other person designated to act on behalf of a Member, who files a complaint.
  14. (Complainant) A community member (hall director, apartment manager, police officer, etc) who documents a student alleging that the student violated university code of conduct.
  15. (Complainant) A person having personal knowledge of the commission of the crime charged.
  16. (Complainant) A person who begins a legal prosecution eg: a person seeking a Peace & Good Behaviour Order, or a person making a complaint about criminal behaviour towards them, eg: a victim of assault.
  17. (Complainant) An individual who reports sensitive information to Tulane University's IRB regarding potential non-compliance issues or research activities that have potentially placed participants or others at increased risk in relationship to the conduct of the research.
  18. (Complainant) Party who claims in a court or ADR procedure that the registration of a .eu domain name was abusive or speculative and that the name should be revoked or transferred.
  19. (Complainant) Person or entity affected by the action or inaction of an agency.
  20. (Complainant) means one who identifies a possible violation of a CAP directive, violation of law or serious misconduct, and brings it to the attention of the inspector general or a person in a position of leadership or authority.
  21. (complainant) In the language used by police, lawyers and other court officials, a person against whom a crime has been committed has different names at different stages in the process. First, she is the “victim. ...
  22. (complainant) The term used by CAT to refer to the person who lodges the individual complaint of a violation of his or her rights. see also "author", "applicant" or "petitioner."
  23. (complainant) The victim of an alleged offence. In some cases (like if you're under 18), the police (or a parent, guardian, or Children's Aid) can make a complaint in your name, even if you don't agree with it.
  24. The Complainant is the taxpayer or his representative bringing an appeal before the Commission.