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complacency 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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A feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements,
  1. A feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements
    • - the figures are better, but there are no grounds for complacency

  1. the feeling you have when you are satisfied with yourself; "his complacency was absolutely disgusting"
  2. (complacent) contented to a fault with oneself or one's actions; "he had become complacent after years of success"; "his self-satisfied dignity"
  3. Contentment is the experience of satisfaction and being at ease in one's situation.
  4. A feeling of contented self-satisfaction, especially when unaware of upcoming trouble; An instance of self-satisfaction
  5. (complacent) Uncritically satisfied with oneself or one's achievements; smug; Apathetic with regard to an apparent need or problem
  6. (complacent) Despite his apparent disinclination to "better" himself, the idler can never be complacent [Latin for "pleased with (oneself)"], as he is always seeking to create himself. See: APATHETIC, PASSIVE.
  7. The smooth-talking, shoulder-sitting devil that keeps your company away from progressiveness, but oh so close to obscurity. See “comfort zone.”
  8. (n.) self-satisfied ignorance of danger (Simon tried to shock his friends out of their complacency by painting a frightening picture of what might happen to them.)