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compilers 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. (compiler) a person who compiles information (as for reference purposes)
  2. (compiler) (computer science) a program that decodes instructions written in a higher order language and produces an assembly language program
  3. (Compiler (anime)) Compiler is a two part anime original video animation.
  4. (compiler) A computer program which transforms source code into object code; A person who compiles
  5. (Compiler) One who produces a collection of works by selecting and putting together matter from works of various persons or bodies.
  6. (Compiler) Software tool that converts the language written by the programmer (source code) into a language understandable by the computer (machine code).
  7. (COMPILER) A company that puts together various pieces of information to create a mailing list of individuals that has similar characteristics, such as age, income and buying habits.
  8. (Compiler) A creator of a crossword puzzle.
  9. (Compiler) A program which takes text in a particular programming language, and produces either an Executable or an Object File.
  10. (Compiler) A software program, which translates the high level code of applications (written by developers) into machine code (the type of code computers understand). ...
  11. (Compiler) Name and affiliation of the person responsible for compiling or most recently updating the information in a database record. [Neotectonics database field]
  12. (Compiler) Refers to the mailing list. The company that compiles, maintains and produces your mailing lists. They usually sell the mailing lists retail and wholesale to "Brokers".
  13. (Compiler) The component that checks the syntax of your COBOL source program, and converts it to native code.
  14. (Compiler) Utilizing a pipeline of atomic particles (possible through DETH), this common in-home appliance synthesizes food-stuffs in moments. Recipes are uploaded, broadening its menu. ...
  15. (Compiler) is an application that converts text files created by a programmer into binary files the computer understands. A Java compiler converts a Java text file into a class file. The JDK includes a Java compiler application named javac that produces class files. ...
  16. (Compiler) software that parses a high-level language, and converts source code to a binary executable program, that will run on Windows, Unix, or some operating system.
  17. (compiler) A tool that converts source code directly into byte codes (compile time) to be executed at a later date (runtime), resulting in a faster execution speed than interpreted code.
  18. (compiler) Strictly speaking, a program that munches up another program and spits out yet another file containing the program in a "more executable" form, typically containing native machine instructions. ...
  19. (compiler) a piece of software that takes third-generation language code and translates it into a specific assembly code. Compilers can be quite complicated pieces of software.
  20. (compiler) n. a facility that is part of Lisp and that translates code into an implementation-dependent form that might be represented or executed efficiently. The functions compile and compile-file permit programs to invoke the compiler.
  21. The Natural compiler translates source programs into pseudo-code. See also Natural Optimizer Compiler.
  22. Ways of translating computer programs, usually from higher-level programming languages to lower-level ones. They are based heavily on mathematical logic.
  23. Eirlys Richards and Joyce Hudson