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compensatory 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Providing, effecting, or aiming at compensation, in particular,
  1. Providing, effecting, or aiming at compensation, in particular

  2. (of a payment) Intended to recompense someone who has experienced loss, suffering, or injury
    • - $50 million in compensatory damages
  3. Reducing or offsetting the unpleasant or unwelcome effects of something
    • - the government is taking compensatory actions to keep the interest rate constant

  1. That compensates, or serves as compensation
  2. interest, which indemnifies the lender for the danger he really runs of losing his capital, the loss that he suffers or the gain of which he deprives himself in disembarrassing himself of his capital during the period of the loan, and from
  3. Payment in some form as compensation, such as for damages suffered or time worked.
  4. This adjective describes behavior that takes the place of genuine feelings and desires. As an example; let's say a guy's interested in a girl, and he waits a week or more to phone, so he can seem disinterested or 'cool. ...
  5. Treatments focused on circumventing language impairments by using alternative methods to communicate.
  6. Counterbalancing or offsetting. A compensatory strategy is one that makes up for or balances a weakness in some area of functioning.
  7. offsetting or making up for something