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compendium 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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compendia, plural; compendiums, plural;
  1. A collection of concise but detailed information about a particular subject, esp. in a book or other publication

  2. A collection of things, esp. one systematically gathered
    • - the program is a compendium of outtakes from our archives

  1. collection: a publication containing a variety of works
  2. a concise but comprehensive summary of a larger work
  3. Compendium is a computer program and social science tool that facilitates the mapping and management of ideas and arguments. The software provides a visual environment that allows people to structure and record collaboration as they work through "wicked problems". ...
  4. A short, complete summary; an abstract; A list or collection of various items
  5. the official student research publication of the Faculty of Engineering
  6. Offering qualified information on the arts and cultural education policies of the EU Member States. The primary objective of the Compendium is to present an overview of how various European countries shape and implement arts and cultural education policy. ...
  7. This means “a concise summary”.  Of course, saying “summary” is too inclusive for the rabble who might be attending their first meeting with self-impressed twits. ...