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compasses 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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compasses, plural;
  1. Go around (something) in a circular course
    • - the ship wherein Magellan compassed the world
  2. Surround or enclose on all sides
    • - they were compassed with numerous fierce and cruel tribes
  3. Contrive to accomplish (something)
    • - he compassed his end only by the exercise of violence
  1. An instrument containing a magnetized pointer that shows the direction of magnetic north and bearings from it

  2. An instrument for drawing circles and arcs and measuring distances between points, consisting of two arms linked by a movable joint, one arm ending in a point and the other usually carrying a pencil or pen

  3. The range or scope of something
    • - the event had political repercussions that are beyond the compass of this book
  4. The enclosing limits of an area
    • - this region had within its compass many types of agriculture
  5. The range of notes that can be produced by a voice or a musical instrument
    • - the cellos were playing in a rather somber part of their compass

  1. (compass) navigational instrument for finding directions
  2. (compass) bring about; accomplish; "This writer attempts more than his talents can compass"
  3. (compass) scope: an area in which something acts or operates or has power or control: "the range of a supersonic jet"; "a piano has a greater range than the human voice"; "the ambit of municipal legislation"; "within the compass of this article"; "within the scope of an investigation"; "outside ...
  4. (compass) circumnavigate: travel around, either by plane or ship; "We compassed the earth"
  5. (compass) grok: get the meaning of something; "Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?"
  6. (compass) drafting instrument used for drawing circles
  7. A compass is a navigational instrument for determining direction relative to the Earth's magnetic poles. It consists of a magnetized pointer (usually marked on the North end) free to align itself with Earth's magnetic field. ...
  8. COMPASS is an acronym for COMPrehensive ASSembler. COMPASS is a macro assembly language on Control Data Corporation's 3000 series, and on the 60-bit CDC 6000 series, 7600 and Cyber 70 and 170 series mainframe computers.
  9. (Compass (album)) Compass is a 2010 album by Jamie Lidell, released May 18. It is produced by Lidell and features additional production by Beck, Grizzly Bear's Chris Taylor, Lindsey Rome and Robbie Lackritz.
  10. (Compass (architecture)) In carpentry, architecture, and shipbuilding, a compass is a curve (or bent) circular form. A compass plane is a craftsman plane, which has a convex direction length on the underside, for smoothing the concave faces of curved woodwork. ...
  11. (Compass (law)) In Law, to compass is to purpose (or intend) something. It is an individual that is imagining something or to plot a plan. Compassing signifies a purpose (or design) of the mind (or will), and not carrying such design to effect.
  12. (Compass (plant)) Silphium laciniatum (Compass Flower, Compass Plant or Rosinweed) is a species of flowering plant in the genus Silphium. ...
  13. (compass) A magnetic or electronic device used to determine the cardinal directions (usually magnetic or true north); A pair of compasses (a device used with a pencil to draw an arc or circle on paper); The range of notes of a musical instrument or voice; A space within limits; area; Scope; To ...
  14. (COMPASS) Is a comprehensive computer-adaptive testing system that helps place students into appropriate courses and maximizes the information post-secondary schools need to ensure student success. ...
  15. (Compass) a drawing tool used to draw circles at different radii
  16. (compass) surveyor's instrument used to determine direction in degrees or bearing
  17. (compass) An instrument, with a magnetic needle that is used to determine the direction of magnetic north.
  18. (Compass) The range of notes from the highest to the lowest note obtained from an instrument or voice.
  19. (compass) A tool used to find direction.
  20. (COMPASS) A computer based TSI-approved assessment that can be administered to students to determine if they are college ready.
  21. (COMPASS) A computerized test that confirms readiness to take college-level classes.
  22. (COMPASS) A glass dome containing a  magnetized card indicating the direction to magnetic north
  23. (COMPASS) A hinged tool with two pointed branches, used in all the arts and trades for measuring lines, and tracing discs, ovals and circles of all kinds upon wood, minerals or metals. ...
  24. (COMPASS) A navigational aid which is slowly replacing the cruder lodestone. It generally consists of a magnetized needle mounted on a brass pivot and a brass disk inscribed with points of the compass. ...
  25. (COMPASS) Also known as “the first year experience, this program fosters a living and learning environment in Aquinas and Boland Halls, with structured and focused opportunities for students to connect what they learn in class to what happens outside the classroom. ...