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compares 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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compared, past participle; compared, past tense; comparing, present participle; compares, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between
    • - individual schools compared their facilities with those of others in the area
    • - the survey compares prices in different countries
    • - total attendance figures were 28,000, compared to 40,000 at last year's event
  2. Point out the resemblances to; liken to
    • - her novel was compared to the work of Daniel Defoe
  3. Draw an analogy between one thing and (another) for the purposes of explanation or clarification
    • - he compared the religions to different paths toward the peak of the same mountain
  4. Have a specified relationship with another thing or person in terms of nature or quality
    • - salaries compare favorably with those of other professions
  5. Be of an equal or similar nature or quality
    • - sales were modest and cannot compare with the glory days of 1989
  6. Form the comparative and superlative degrees of (an adjective or an adverb)
    • - words of one syllable are usually compared by “-er” and “-est.”