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comparatively 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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To a moderate degree as compared to something else; relatively,
  1. To a moderate degree as compared to something else; relatively
    • - inflation was comparatively low

  1. relatively: in a relative manner; by comparison to something else; "the situation is relatively calm now"
  2. the comparative form of an adjective or adverb; "`faster' is the comparative of the adjective `fast'"; "`less famous' is the comparative degree of the adjective `famous'"; "`more surely' is the comparative of the adverb `surely'"
  3. (comparative) relating to or based on or involving comparison; "comparative linguistics"
  4. In a comparative manner; When compared to other entities
  5. (comparative) A construction showing a relative quality, in English usually formed by adding more or appending -er. ...
  6. (Comparative) an advertising appeal that consists of explicitly comparing one product brand to a competitive brand. This type of advertising has been effective when one brand has a major advantage over another and they are similarly priced.
  7. (Comparative) advantage has no meaning in a one-good world or in a one-family economy.
  8. (Comparative) inflectional category for adjectives indicating “more than”
  9. (comparative) Financial statements of a prior period shown with those of the current period to aid in comparisons between periods.
  10. (comparative) This is a form of an adjective. It's used when adjectives are being used to compare 2 things. For example good, better, best.
  11. (comparative) an adjective or adverb with "-er" on the end or "more" in front of it; EG slower, more important, more carefully.
  12. (comparative) culture influences biology
  13. (comparative) keskvõrre (omadussõna võrdlemine)