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companies 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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companies, plural;
  1. Associate with; keep company with
    • - these men which have companied with us all this time
  2. Accompany (someone)
    • - the fair dame, companied by Statius and myself
  1. A commercial business
    • - a shipping company
    • - the Ford Motor Company
    • - a company director
  2. The fact or condition of being with another or others, esp. in a way that provides friendship and enjoyment
    • - I could do with some company
  3. A person or people seen as a source of such friendship and enjoyment
    • - she is excellent company
  4. The person or group of people whose society someone is currently sharing
    • - he was silent among such distinguished company
  5. A visiting person or group of people
    • - I'm expecting company
  6. A number of individuals gathered together, esp. for a particular purpose
    • - the mayor addressed the assembled company
  7. A body of soldiers, esp. the smallest subdivision of an infantry battalion, typically commanded by a major or captain
    • - the troops of C Company
  8. A group of actors, singers, or dancers who perform together
    • - a touring opera company
  9. The Central Intelligence Agency

  1. (company) be a companion to somebody
  2. (company) an institution created to conduct business; "he only invests in large well-established companies"; "he started the company in his garage"
  3. (company) small military unit; usually two or three platoons
  4. (company) the state of being with someone; "he missed their company"; "he enjoyed the society of his friends"
  5. (company) organization of performers and associated personnel (especially theatrical); "the traveling company all stayed at the same hotel"
  6. (company) caller: a social or business visitor; "the room was a mess because he hadn't expected company"
  7. A company is a form of business organization.
  8. (Company (band)) The Brooklyn-based band Company consists of three songwriters and a dynamic drummer. They perform folk- and country-based songs with punk and psychedelic rock energy to create a sound that defies ready categories.
  9. (Company (film)) Company (कम्पनी) is a 2002 Hindi film directed by Ram Gopal Varma, starring Ajay Devgan, Manisha Koirala, Mohanlal, Vivek Oberoi and Antara Mali. ...
  10. (Company (free improvisation group)) Company was an ever changing collection of free improvising musicians. ...
  11. (Company (magazine)) Company magazine is a monthly fashion, celebrity and lifestyle magazine published in the United Kingdom. ...
  12. (Company (novel)) Company is a book written by Max Barry. In 2006 it became Barry's third published novel, following Jennifer Government in 2003. The novel is set in a modern corporation.
  13. (company) A group of individuals with a common purpose; An entity that manufactures or sells products (also known as goods), or provides services as a commercial venture. ...
  14. (Company) A legal entity, allowed by legislation, which permits a group of people, as shareholders, to create an organization, which can then focus on pursuing set objectives, and empowered with legal rights which are usually only reserved for individuals, such as to sue and be sued, own ...
  15. (company) The name for a section of Venturers. A Venturer Company.
  16. The term “Company” as it is used throughout the Agreement means FastWave, L.L.C.
  17. A company is an organizational institution commanded by a captain, consisting of two or more platoons. It varies widely in size according to its mission. An artillery company is called a battery, and a cavalry company is called a troop.
  18. (COMPANY) Class of horses in a race. Members of the field.
  19. (Company) A subdivision of a regiment or battalion, the lowest administrative unit, usually under the command of a captain. Usually consists of approximately one hundred officers and men.
  20. (Company) This refers to the cast, the crew, and other people who are connected with a show.
  21. (company) A corporation or corporate group.
  22. (Company) A corporation or a limited partnership with publicly traded stock.
  23. A company is a sub-unit of some Regiments, usually Infantry Regiments, and usually commanded by a Major.
  24. (“Company”) means International Air Freight.
  25. (Company) The basic operational unit in the Civil War-era army. In the Union army it consisted of 30 to 60 officers and men, including one captain, one first lieutenant, one second lieutenant, four sargents, eight corporals, two musicians, and one wagoner. The remaining men were privates.