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compactness 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. concentration: the spatial property of being crowded together
  2. the consistency of a compact solid
  3. In mathematics, more specifically general topology and metric topology, a compact space is an abstract mathematical space in which, intuitively, whenever one takes an infinite number of "steps" in the space, eventually one must get arbitrarily close to some other point of the space. ...
  4. the state of being compact
  5. The degree to which the territory assigned to a district is close together. There are several mathematical ways to measure the elements of compactness.
  6. A term used to describe a district’s geographic shape.  Compactness in redistricting cases often focuses on the regularity or jaggedness of a district boundary and on the extent to which the district’s geographic territory is dispersed from its center.
  7. Minimizing the distance between all parts of a district.  There are many types of compactness measures including: area dispersion and perimeter.
  8. The spacing between fuel particles.  This can be especially important in the surface layer of fuels where the amount of air circulation affects rate of drying, rate of combustion, etc.
  9. For more information, see: Compactness axioms.
  10. The driveshaft and bevel gears take up less volume than an enclosed chain.
  11. districts which are not spread out or too jagged.
  12. you can perform a full compatibility check by simply copying the application together with the test scripts on all the platforms where you believe it should work. It can give you the confirmation that all functionality works indeed as expected. ...
  13. (in  compactness (mathematics))