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commuted 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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commutes, 3rd person singular present; commuted, past tense; commuted, past participle; commuting, present participle;
  1. Travel some distance between one's home and place of work on a regular basis
    • - she commuted from Westport in to Grand Central Station
  2. Reduce (a judicial sentence, esp. a sentence of death) to one less severe
    • - the governor recently commuted the sentences of dozens of women convicted of killing their husbands
  3. Change one kind of payment or obligation for (another)

  4. Replace (an annuity or other series of payments) with a single payment
    • - if he had commuted some of his pension, he would have received $330,000
  5. (of two operations or quantities) Have a commutative relationship

  1. This is the process of converting a pension or annuity into a lump sum payment. This payment can be paid to the beneficiary or rolled over to another product within the same superannuation fund, or to another superannuation fund.