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communicators 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. (communicator) a person who communicates with others
  2. (The Communicator (IPFW)) The Communicator, a 5,000 weekly circulation, is the student newspaper of IPFW (Indiana-Purdue Fort Wayne). IPFW has over 13,000 full and part-time students and has grown considerably over the past ten years. ...
  3. (Communicator) 8212 personal Internet communicator - The PIC is a connecting device; a simple and accessible platform designed to work with existing service provider dial-up or broadband infrastructure that can deliver basic Internet functions such as e-mail, downloads, Web browsing, and more.
  4. (Communicator) A generic name for information centric mobile phones. In effect a fully featured personal digital assistant and mobile phone in one unit. The Nokia 9210 Communicator is an example of such a Symbian OS phone.
  5. (Communicator) In Quest For the Unknown: Ghosts and Hauntings by Reader’s Digest, this is a spirit that speaks through a medium.
  6. (Communicator) Personnel subspace communication device, originally hand-held, later in the 24th century integrated in the Starfleet badge; the latter is also referred to as comm badge. ...
  7. (Communicator) nurses identify client problems and then communicate these verbally or in writing to other members of the health team
  8. (Communicator) was to develop "dialogue interaction" technology that enables warfighters to talk with computers, such that information will be accessible on the battlefield or in command centers without ever having to touch a keyboard. ...
  9. (communicator) A device which allows two or more parties to speak to eachother over long distances.
  10. (communicator) A handle representing a group of processes that can exchange data among themselves. MPI provides a basic communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD consisting of all processes. Users can define additional communicators consisting of subsets of the available processes.
  11. (communicator) The person originating a message.
  12. (communicator) usually used to refer to a simple message device, delivering either a single message or a few, compared with complex communication aid which can have very many messages stored.
  13. A Communicator is a Dragon in a human form.
  14. A Communicator provides sign language, interpreting, and/or communicator services, where required, for Deaf adults who have a developmental delay, mental health issues and/or low language skills. The communication will match the language level of the individual.
  15. Microsoft® Office Communicator 2007, a desktop client to Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007, providing contact and presence management, instant messaging, as well as telephony integration in real-time communication within an enterprise.
  16. They understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one language in a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively and willingly in collaboration with others.
  17. Our loved ones in the Spirit World