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commonwealths 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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commonwealths, plural;
  1. An independent country or community, esp. a democratic republic

  2. An aggregate or grouping of countries or other bodies

  3. A community or organization of shared interests in a nonpolitical field
    • - the Christian commonwealth
    • - the commonwealth of letters
  4. A self-governing unit voluntarily grouped with the US, such as Puerto Rico

  5. A formal title of some of the states of the US, esp. Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia

  6. The title of the federated Australian states

  7. The republican period of government in Britain between the execution of Charles I in 1649 and the Restoration of Charles II in 1660

  8. An international association consisting of the UK together with states that were previously part of the British Empire, and dependencies. The British monarch is the symbolic head of the Commonwealth

  9. The general good

  1. Commonwealth is a traditional English term for a political community founded for the common good. Historically, it has sometimes been synonymous with "republic".