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commons 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
Noun (plural)
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commons, plural;
  1. A dining hall in a residential school or college

  2. Land or resources belonging to or affecting the whole of a community

  3. A public park of a town or city

  4. The common people regarded as a part of a political system, esp. in Britain

  5. Provisions shared in common; rations

  1. park: a piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area; "they went for a walk in the park"
  2. a pasture subject to common use
  3. commonalty: a class composed of persons lacking clerical or noble rank
  4. third estate: the common people
  5. A concurrency, overlap, or coincidence in a road network is an instance of one physical road bearing two or more different highway, motorway, or other route numbers. When it is two freeways that share the same right-of-way, it is sometimes called a common section or commons.
  6. The commons is terminology referring to resources that are collectively owned or shared between or among populations. These resources are said to be "held in common" and can include everything from natural resources and land to software. ...
  7. A dining hall, usually at a college or university; A central section of (usually an older) town, designated as a shared area, a common; The mutual good of all; the abstract concept of resources shared by more than one, for example air, water, information
  8. Ownership is important when working to empower communities and individuals, and web 2.0 folks in particular get touchy about who owns the content created by users. ...
  9. approves appointment of John Lyon as new Parliamentary Commissioner for standards
  10. What we share. Creations of both nature and society that belong to all of us equally, and should be preserved and maintained for future generations.
  11. The commons represent both the naturals systems (water, air, soil, forests, oceans, etc.) and the cultural patterns and traditions (intergenerational knowledge ranging from growing and preparing food, medicinal practices, arts, crafts, ceremonies, etc. ...
  12. Traditional usage referred to traditional rights such as animal grazing. More recently, it refers to common rights for other resources and public goods for a community such as water, oil, medicinal plants and intellectual knowledge. ...
  13. Wikimedia Commons is an online repository of free-use images, sound and other media files.
  14. In general, any resource owned collectively ("held in common") and whose use is shared by a group of individuals; form the practice of some medieval English villages to hold pasturage in common. ...
  15. a coffee shop and lounge located in the CUB; serves Starbucks beverages, scones, soup, and more.
  16. a place, real or virtual, that is not privately owned. Natural commons include the oceans and the atmosphere. Information commons hold the shared history of our cultures—myths, folksongs, works of art. ...
  17. Opening in 2003, this will be the main entrance and student gathering area for the upper school.
  18. Any asset which is available for less than its real cost.
  19. Resources openly available to all. Examples include air, the ocean, and public parks. The existence of a Commons is a policy issue: should particular resources be owned by private entities or by the public? ...
  20. The dining hall, located on the first floor of the CUB.
  21. "The global commons": Those resources we all have to use to survive but which we do not have to pay for. The term is based on the idea of the village commons: a plot of land owned by no one where all had the right to graze their stock. ...
  22. lunchroom, full kitchen, nurse, and staff offices.
  23. These are common prayers that may be used for celebrations of that do not have proper prayers. These include prayers for celebrations in honor of Mary, the saints, and the dedication of a church.
  24. If Bennington College had a town square, then the Commons building would be it. Meals and mailboxes make it a hub, as the dining malls and post office are both located here.