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commonest 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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commoner, comparative; commonest, superlative;
  1. Occurring, found, or done often; prevalent
    • - salt and pepper are the two most common seasonings
    • - it's common for a woman to be depressed after giving birth
  2. (of an animal or plant) Found or living in relatively large numbers; not rare

  3. Ordinary; of ordinary qualities; without special rank or position
    • - the dwellings of common people
    • - a common soldier
  4. (of a quality) Of a sort or level to be generally expected
    • - common decency
  5. Of the most familiar type
    • - the common or vernacular name
  6. Denoting the most widespread or typical species of an animal or plant
    • - the common blue spruce
  7. Showing a lack of taste and refinement; vulgar

  8. Shared by, coming from, or done by more than one
    • - the two republics' common border
    • - problems common to both communities
  9. Belonging to, open to, or affecting the whole of a community or the public
    • - common land
  10. Belonging to two or more quantities

  11. (in Latin and certain other languages) Of or denoting a gender of nouns that are conventionally regarded as masculine or feminine, contrasting with neuter

  12. (in English) Denoting a noun that refers to individuals of either sex (e.g., teacher)

  13. (of a syllable) Able to be either short or long

  14. (of a crime) Of relatively minor importance
    • - common assault

  1. Superlative form of common