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committees 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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committees, plural;
  1. A group of people appointed for a specific function, typically consisting of members of a larger group
    • - the housing committee
    • - a committee meeting
  2. Such a body appointed by a legislature to consider the details of proposed legislation
    • - there was much scrutiny in committee
  3. A person who has been judicially committed to the charge of another because of insanity or mental retardation

  4. A person entrusted with the charge of another person or another person's property

  1. (committee) a special group delegated to consider some matter; "a committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours" - Milton Berle
  2. (committee) a self-constituted organization to promote something
  3. A committee (or "commission") is a type of small deliberative assembly that is usually intended to remain subordinate to another, larger deliberative assembly--which when organized so that action on committee requires a vote by all its entitled members, is called the "Committee of the Whole". ...
  4. (Committee (designer)) Committee is a British product design studio.
  5. (The Committee (film)) The Committee is a 1968 British independent Black-and-white film noir film. It featured original music by Pink Floyd as well as Arthur Brown's song "NIGHTMARE".
  6. (The Committee (improvisation group)) The Committee is a San Francisco based improvisational comedy group founded by Alan Myerson and Jessica Myerson (formerly Irene Riordan). The Myersons were both alums of The Second City in Chicago. ...
  7. (committee) a group of persons convened for the accomplishment of some specific purpose, typically with formal protocols; a guardian; someone in charge of another person deemed to be unable to look after himself or herself
  8. (Committee) A select group of members with a defined scope of responsibility. See Conference Committee, Interim Committee, Standing Committee, Joint Committee, Special Committee, and Statutory Committee.
  9. (Committee) A group of Senators or Representatives appointed by the presiding officer to consider an issue or question and to submit a report on its recommendations for action by the body which created it.
  10. (Committee) A term of parliamentary law which refers to a body of one or more persons appointed by a larger assembly or society, to consider, investigate and/or take action on certain specific matters. A committee only has those powers which have been assigned to it by the constituent assembly. ...
  11. (Committee) there are lots of these, so various and fair. It is said that God so loved the world that she didn't send a committee. We are trying to build the commonwealth of the Spirit by using committees!
  12. (Committee) A subdivision of the House or Senate that prepares legislation for action by the parent chamber. There are several types of committees. ...
  13. The committee is in charge of the competition or the course (if there is no competition).
  14. (Committee) A group of people officially delegated to perform a function.
  15. (committee) Group of members who are elected or appointed by organization to study or handle a task. A committee is not an assembly like a board.
  16. A committee is a group of people charged with specific duties for a limited time.
  17. (17. Committee) Individuals who can do nothing individually and sit to decide that nothing can be done together.
  18. (committee) A panel of legislators charged with responsibility for considering legislation in its introduced form. ...
  19. (Committee) means the judiciary, licensing and cemetery committee of the City of Marshfield Council.
  20. (Committee) a group of members of a legislative body to which is assigned a special task.
  21. ("Committee") Group of about ten people who take the credit for the work of about three people.
  22. (2. committee) an appointed or elected body of people with an administrative, advisory, or representative function
  23. (COMMITTEE) One or more members appointed or elected to complete a specific task.
  24. (Committee (98/34 procedure)) Standing Committee consisting of representatives appointed by the Member States who may call on the assistance of experts or advisers; its chairman is a representative of the Commission.
  25. (Committee (FMC)) Fund Management Unit (FMU): Unit headed by the Fund Manager and responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Fund.