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commissariat 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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commissariats, plural;
  1. A department for the supply of food and equipment

  2. A government department of the Soviet Union before 1946

  1. a stock or supply of foods
  2. A commissariat is the department of an army charged with the provision of supplies, both food and forage, for the troops. The supply of military stores such as ammunition is not included in the duties of a commissariat. ...
  3. Police headquarters for a Parisian section.
  4. the organized method by which food, equipment, and other supplies are delivered to armies. Also, the department of an army charged with supplying provisions; see QM, LOGISTICS.
  5. Agency of Treasury responsible for the supply of food, clothing, weapons and equipment in the field.
  6. Name given in the late 18th and 19th century to the department(s) of the EIC/Indian Army responsible for procuring equipment and supplies (other than ordnance). ...
  7. A ministry (government agency) in the Soviet Union.