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comments 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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comments, plural;
  1. Express (an opinion or reaction)
    • - the review commented that the book was agreeably written
    • - the company would not comment on the venture
    • - “He's an independent soul,” she commented
  2. Place a piece of specially tagged explanatory text within (a program) to assist other users

  3. Turn (part of a program) into a comment so that the computer ignores it when running the program
    • - you could try commenting out that line
  1. A remark expressing an opinion or reaction
    • - you asked for comments on the new proposals
  2. Discussion, esp. of a critical nature, of an issue or event
    • - the plans were not sent to the council for comment
  3. An indirect expression of the views of the creator of an artistic work
    • - their second single is a comment on the commercial nature of raves
  4. An explanatory note in a book or other written text

  5. A written explanation or commentary

  6. A piece of specially tagged text placed within a program to help other users to understand it, which the computer ignores when running the program

  1. (comment) make or write a comment on; "he commented the paper of his colleague"
  2. (comment) remark: a statement that expresses a personal opinion or belief or adds information; "from time to time she contributed a personal comment on his account"
  3. (comment) explain or interpret something
  4. (comment) a written explanation or criticism or illustration that is added to a book or other textual material; "he wrote an extended comment on the proposal"
  5. (comment) gloss: provide interlinear explanations for words or phrases; "He annotated on what his teacher had written"
  6. (comment) gossip: a report (often malicious) about the behavior of other people; "the divorce caused much gossip"
  7. (Comment (programming)) In computer programming, a comment is a programming language construct used to embed programmer-readable annotations in the source code of a computer program. ...
  8. (Comment (SQL)) SQL (officially like "S-Q-L" but often like "sequel"), often referred to as Structured Query Language, is a database computer language designed for managing data in relational database management systems (RDBMS), and originally based upon relational algebra. ...
  9. (comment) A spoken remark; A remark in source code which does not affect the behavior of the program; To remark; To make remarks or notes; To insert comments into source code
  10. (Comment) The HTML <!-- and --> tags are used to hide text from browsers. Some search engines ignore text between these symbols but others index such text as if the comment tags were not there. ...
  11. (comment) Text added to code by a programmer that explains how the code works. In Visual Basic Scripting Edition, a comment line generally starts with an apostrophe ('), or you can use the keyword Rem followed by a space.
  12. (Comment) An objection to any information, other than BFEs, shown on an NFIP map that is submitted by community officials or interested citizens through the community officials during the appeal period.
  13. (Comment) a section of source code that is ignored by POV-Ray; used for including human text in source code files to improve clarity. (Tutorial) (Language Reference)
  14. (Comment) Comments are notes written in source code files used to help make code more readable. Comments are marked by characters to tell the compiler to ignore them.
  15. (comment) This is a written reaction by a reader of a blog to what was written in the blog entry by the author. Comments can often be found directly following the blog entry.
  16. (Comment (s)) A comment is a thought or opinion that can be left on a blog or other CMS that can be read by other people who read the blog.
  17. (Comment) 1. (CSMP) Write "Picture" in the "Comments" space each time a picture is taken. Use this space to record anything unusual that you observe during a sampling visit; note things like recent severe weather, construction activities occurring upstream, changes in adjacent land use, etc.
  18. (Comment) A method by which members may attach communication and other feedback to the reviews of other members. Links to read or place comments are displayed at the bottom of the text of a review, above the report of Overall Rating and the list of individual Ratings. ...
  19. (Comment) A note left by a blog reader in reply to a blog post. Or, the act of leaving such a note. Example: “I wanted to know more, so I left a comment in her blog.” “I commented in his blog yesterday.”
  20. (Comment) A text field in an entry's header that can hold 255 characters of whatever information about an entry you wish to archive with it. A perfect place for filters.
  21. (Comment) Affected individuals then have the opportunity to provide feedback through written and public hearing statements. ^[3]
  22. (Comment) Brief instruction to another member.
  23. (Comment) Built b y Rossi Navi.
  24. (Comment) Contains anything that did not fit in with the standard fields. Sometimes this is commentary by the transcribers. Sometimes it is material that was distributed across the columns in the original manuscript. ...
  25. (Comment) Give a judgement based on a given statement or result of a calculation.