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commented 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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commenting, present participle; commented, past tense; comments, 3rd person singular present; commented, past participle;
  1. Express (an opinion or reaction)
    • - the review commented that the book was agreeably written
    • - the company would not comment on the venture
    • - “He's an independent soul,” she commented
  2. Place a piece of specially tagged explanatory text within (a program) to assist other users

  3. Turn (part of a program) into a comment so that the computer ignores it when running the program
    • - you could try commenting out that line

  1. Through commenting, our users can participate in our discussions. In return, we give them credit links on their names through recent comments, commentluv, and other future applications that we may think will benefit our commentators. ...
  2. (Commenting) Focus your niche, Google the latest updates online for your niche, and try to comment. Commenting is the best to to drive huge traffic for your blog. But, be sure not to spam the others post by just saying - 'Hi' or 'Thank You', be descriptive.
  3. (Commenting) Adding comments in code, like HTML, that help programmers understand how the code has been written. Comments are not displayed in browsers.
  4. (Commenting) I have the right to not allow or delete your comments. I will not edit your comments so if you think you shouldn’t have written something you probably should take that part out because I will simply delete it if I find it questionable. ...
  5. (Commenting) Stepping out of the reality of the scene by saying or doing something that refers to the fact that it's a scene being played. Also refers to "playing" an emotion rather than feeling it. Should be avoided, though used sparingly it can sometimes be effective.
  6. (Commenting) is not a way to actually match strings, but it is one of the most important parts of regular expressions. As you dive deep into larger, more complex expressions, it becomes hard to decipher what is actually being matched. ...
  7. Commenting enables other users to leave comments for the author on portions of a shared or published portfolio.