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commensal 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Of, relating to, or exhibiting commensalism,
  1. Of, relating to, or exhibiting commensalism

  1. A commensal organism, such as many bacteria

  1. living in a state of commensalism
  2. either of two different animal or plant species living in close association but not interdependent
  3. In ecology, commensalism is a class of relationship between two organisms where one organism benefits but the other is unaffected. ...
  4. (commensality) The act of eating together
  5. (Commensals) Non-pathogenic microorganisms that become part of the host's normal flora.
  6. one of two partners living in permanent close association, which gains a slight benefit from the association without causing serious disadvantage to the other.
  7. Having benefit for one member of a two-species association but neither positive nor negative effect on the other.
  8. An organism that derives nourishment or shelter by living in close association with another organism (the host), without damaging the host.
  9. One organism lives with another, but is not parasitic. The word refers to the practice of "eating at the same table".
  10. Commensal means a microorganism that normally lives in close contact with a human or animal without causing any harm. This would include many of the bacteria normally present on a person's or animal's skin or intestine.
  11. Pertaining to populations of house mice that depend on human-built habitats and/or food production for survival (see Chapter 2).
  12. biology: of a relation between two organisms that benefits one without damaging or benefiting the other. [Latin 'sharing a table'] (contrast parasitic; symbiotic; not to be confused with commensurate; incommensurable)
  13. Living together with man for mutual benefit
  14. Of, relating to, or characterized by a symbiotic relationship in which one species is benefited while the other is unaffected.
  15. An interaction between individuals that increases the fitness of one party and has no fitness effect on the other.
  16. one who eats at the same table
  17. Living with, on or in another organism, without harm to either. See Teacher's Guide Activity 11