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commemorated 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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commemorating, present participle; commemorated, past participle; commemorates, 3rd person singular present; commemorated, past tense;
  1. Recall and show respect for (someone or something) in a ceremony
    • - a wreath-laying ceremony to commemorate the war dead
  2. Serve as a memorial to
    • - a stone commemorating a boy who died at sea
  3. Mark (a significant event)
    • - the City of Boston commemorated the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America
  4. Celebrate (an event, a person, or a situation) by doing or building something
    • - it was a night commemorated in a song

  1. (commemorate) mark by some ceremony or observation; "The citizens mark the anniversary of the revolution with a march and a parade"
  2. (commemorating) commemorative: intended as a commemoration; "a commemorative plaque"
  3. (commemoration) a ceremony to honor the memory of someone or something
  4. (Commemoration (observance)) Commemorations are a type of religious observance in the Church of England. They are the least significant type of observance, the others being Principal Feasts, Principal Holy Days, Festivals, and Lesser Festivals. ...
  5. (Commemoration (prayer)) In the Tridentine Mass period of the Roman Rite, when a higher-ranked liturgical celebration impeded the celebration of a lesser that, either permanently or (in a particular year) by coincidence, fell on the same day, the prayer of the lower-ranked celebration was ...
  6. (commemorate) to honor with ceremony
  7. (commemorate) to honor an outstanding person, place, or event in history.
  8. (5. Commemoration) Once the body was buried or cremated, the deceased still had to be remembered. The Roman state set apart certain days each year to remember loved ones, including the Parentalia, held from February 13 to 21, to honor the family's ancestors. ...
  9. (Commemoration (in Liturgy)) The recital of a part of the Office or
  10. (Commemoration) (CD, White Devil Records, 1994). Released to commemorate Manson's 60th birthday and "sixty years of struggle against cowardice, stupidity and lies".
  11. (commemoration) (in  Bannockburn (Scotland, United Kingdom))