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commandeered 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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commandeers, 3rd person singular present; commandeered, past participle; commandeered, past tense; commandeering, present participle;
  1. Officially take possession or control of (something), esp. for military purposes
    • - telegraph and telephone lines were commandeered by the generals
  2. Take possession of (something) without authority
    • - he hoisted himself onto a table, commandeering it as a speaker's platform
  3. Enlist (someone) to help in a task, typically against the person's will
    • - he commandeered the men to find a table

  1. (commandeer) take arbitrarily or by force; "The Cubans commandeered the plane and flew it to Miami"
  2. Commandeering is an act of appropriation by the military or police whereby they take possession of the property of a member of the public.
  3. (COMMANDEER) to force people or things into military service, as the prerogative of sequestration or impressment (qv). ...