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comets, plural;
  1. A celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dust and, when near the sun, a “tail” of gas and dust particles pointing away from the sun

  1. (astronomy) a relatively small extraterrestrial body consisting of a frozen mass that travels around the sun in a highly elliptical orbit
  2. (cometary) of or relating to or resembling a comet
  3. A comet is an icy small Solar System body that, when close enough to the Sun, displays a visible coma (a thin, fuzzy, temporary atmosphere) and sometimes also a tail. These phenomena are both due to the effects of solar radiation and the solar wind upon the nucleus of the comet. ...
  4. The Comet was a superhero who first appeared in Pep Comics #1 in January, 1940. Possibly the first superhero killed in the line of duty, he died in issue #17 (July, 1941), which also introduced his brother, a brutal hero called the Hangman who would use the projected image of a scaffold and ...
  5. Comet (1985) is a popular-science book by Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan. It describes the scientific nature of comets, as well as their varying roles and perceptions throughout history. ...
  6. Comet is a powdered cleaning product sold in North America and distributed in the United States by Prestige Brands. Scratch Free Comet with Bleach Disinfectant Cleanser contains 1.2% sodium dichloro-s-triazinetrione dihydrate (a derivative of cyanuric acid) and 98.8% "other" ingredients. ...
  7. Comet was a British comic magazine, published from 14 January 1950 to 17 October 1959.
  8. Comet is the name of two comic book characters owned by DC Comics whose adventures have been published by that same company. The first character was a sentient horse with magical powers who was once a centaur in ancient Greece. ...
  9. A celestial body consisting mainly of ice, dust and gas in an (usually very eccentric) orbit around the Sun and having a "tail" of matter blown back from it by the solar wind as it approaches the Sun; A celestial phenomenon with the appearance given by the orbiting celestial body
  10. (COMETS) Communications and Broadcasting Engineering Test Satellite
  11. (Comets) A tubular device containing a large pellet of pyrotechnic compostion that is propelled into the when ignited. This device produces a bright rising effect with a long tail.
  12. (Comets) Lists of periodic and non-periodic comets · Damocloids · Oort cloud
  13. (Comets) The mascot of West Roswell High School, where the gang attends school.
  14. (Comets) are dusty bodies of ice that orbit a star. We typically imagine comets with their characteristic tails; but the tails only form when their orbits bring them close to a star. ...
  15. (Comets) are made up of frozen dust and gases, and have been described as large, dirty snowballs with icy centers. They often travel on extremely elongated orbits around the Sun. ...
  16. (comets) A loose collection of ice, dust and small rocky particles in the solar system that orbits the sun.
  17. A celestial body orbiting the sun (though some may be ejected from the solar system by planetary perturbations) that displays (at least during a portion of its orbit) some diffuseness and/or a "tail" of debris that points generally in the anti-solar direction. ...
  18. A chunk of frozen gasses, ice, and rocky debris that orbits the Sun. A comet nucleus is about the size of a mountain on earth. When a comet nears the Sun, heat vaporizes the icy material producing a cloud of gaseous material surrounding the nucleus, called a coma. ...
  19. A star or other projectile which leaves a glittering, persistent trail behind it.
  20. Like an aerial shell but does not burst into a display. Instead it leaves a thick trail of sparks into the air eventually burning itself out.
  21. To dream of this heavenly awe-inspiring object sailing through the skies, you will have trials of an unexpected nature to beset you, but by bravely combating these foes you will rise above the mediocre in life to heights of fame. For a young person, this dream portends bereavement and sorrow.
  22. Large bodies of loosely bound natural rock, ice and gas which orbits the Sun. Comets expel these gases producing a coma or tail consisting of small particles of trailing debris. This effect is caused by the solar radiation from the Sun, and intense heat. ...
  23. a body in space that has a tail and follows an orbit around the sun.
  24. A gigantic ball of ice and rock that orbit the Sun in a highly eccentric orbit. Some comets have an orbit that brings them close to the Sun where they form a long tail of gas and dust as they are heated by the Sun's rays.
  25. A diffuse body of solid particles and gas, which orbits the Sun. The orbit is usually highly elliptical or even parabolic. Comets are unstable bodies with masses of the order of 10^18 g whose average lifetime is about 100 perihelion passages. ...