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comer 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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comers, plural;
  1. A person who arrives somewhere
    • - feeding every comer is still a sacred duty
  2. A person or thing likely to succeed
    • - many in the party see tax relief as a comer

  1. someone with a promising future
  2. arrival: someone who arrives (or has arrived)
  3. (Comers) Comer's Midden is a 1916 archaeological excavation site near the "Arctic Station of Thule" (also called Qaanaaq), north of Mt. Dundas (near Pituffik), in North Star Bay, northern Greenland. Thule Forum, 2006 It is the find after which the Thule culture is named. ...
  4. one in a race who is catching up to others and shows promise of winning; fig one who is catching up in some contest and has a likelihood of victory; One who arrives
  5. (Comest) (Co-mest)- To take; to touch; to observe; to look at; to taste; etc     "May I comest?..."
  6. person likely to be a success.
  7. v. to eat; to have lunch