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combs, plural;
  1. Untangle or arrange (the hair) by drawing a comb through it
    • - neatly combed hair
  2. Remove something from the hair by drawing a comb through it
    • - she combed the burrs out of the dog's coat
  3. Curry (a horse)

  4. Prepare (wool, flax, or cotton) for manufacture with a comb

  5. Treat (a fabric) in such a way
    • - the socks are made of soft combed cotton
  6. Search carefully and systematically
    • - police combed the area for the murder weapon
    • - his mother combed through the cardboard boxes
  1. A strip of plastic, metal, or wood with a row of narrow teeth, used for untangling or arranging the hair

  2. An instance of untangling or arranging the hair with such a device
    • - she gave her hair a comb
  3. A short curved device of this type, worn by women to hold hair in place or as an ornament

  4. Something resembling a comb in function or structure, in particular

  5. A device for removing loose hair from an animal, esp. a dog or cat

  6. A device for separating and dressing textile fibers

  7. A row of brass points for collecting the electricity in an electrostatic generator

  8. The red fleshy crest on the head of a domestic fowl, esp. a rooster

  1. Sports: *Earle Combs (1899-1976), American center fielder and Baseball Hall of Fame member *Merl Combs (1919-1981), a shortstop in Major League Baseball from 1947-1952 *Pat Combs (born 1966), a Philadelphia Phillies pitcher from 1989-1992
  2. Combing is a method for preparing fibre for spinning by use of combs. The combs used have long metal teeth, and only barely resemble the comb used on hair. ...
  3. Instruments with wire teeth used in marbling.
  4. Combs are used to secure veils, face veils and some headdresses in place. We use two types of comb, metal and plastic, each being ideal for different uses.
  5. n. 1. Long-john underwear. The word comes from combinations.
  6. Closely spaced holes in sandstone, which can be used as handles. Mostly incurred by weathering.