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combatants 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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combatants, plural;
  1. A person engaged in fighting during a war

  2. A nation at war with another

  3. A person engaged in conflict or competition with another

  1. (combatant) engaging in or ready for combat
  2. (combatant) someone who fights (or is fighting)
  3. A combatant is someone who takes a direct part in the hostilities of an armed conflict. If a combatant follows the law of war, then they are considered a privileged combatant, and upon capture they qualify as a prisoner of war under the Third Geneva Convention (GCIII). ...
  4. (Combatant) A term applied to beasts borne face to face, as in the attitude of fighting.
  5. (Combatant) An individual Authorized to be a Participant as a fighter in SCA Combat Activities.
  6. (Combatant) Use when two rampant figures face each other as if in combat.
  7. (Combatant) When two charges appear to be fighting.
  8. (Combatant) two creatures depicted as facing one another and rampant, as if fighting; creatures in more pacific poses are respectant
  9. Combatant include: monster, PC, and traps. Any combatant in a battle has his own object in VCC. They can be in the initiative sequence or in reserve, but if you are tracking information it's a combatant.
  10. Someone who is involved in fighting and conflict, e.g. a soldier, but NOT including medical personel working for armies.
  11. A category of persons during wartime who are recognizable as members of an armed party to conflict.  Separate rules apply to combatants and civilians.