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comatose 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Of or in a state of deep unconsciousness for a prolonged or indefinite period, esp. as a result of severe injury or illness,
  1. Of or in a state of deep unconsciousness for a prolonged or indefinite period, esp. as a result of severe injury or illness
    • - she had been comatose for seven months
    • - lying in a comatose state
  2. (of a person or thing) Extremely exhausted, lethargic, or sleepy
    • - the economy remains almost comatose

  1. relating to or associated with a coma; "comatose breathing"; "comatose state"
  2. in a state of deep and usually prolonged unconsciousness; unable to respond to external stimuli; "a comatose patient"
  3. Comatose is the seventh full-length album released by the Christian rock band Skillet. Released October 3, 2006, this album continues their previous album's trend of downplaying the keyboard elements that were prominent in previous releases in favor of more orchestral elements and distorted ...
  4. Pearl Jam is the eighth studio album by the American alternative rock band Pearl Jam and its debut and only release for J Records (it was also their last album for what was then called Sony BMG, having previously been signed to J's sister label Epic Records for over a decade). ...
  5. (Comatosed) In medicine, a coma (from the Greek koma, meaning deep sleep) is a profound state of unconsciousness. ...
  6. resembling a coma: unconscious; drowsy or lethargic
  7. In a coma; not conscious.
  8. in a coma. A coma is defined as "profound unconsciousness" from which a person cannot be woken up. It can be caused by a variety of problems, including trauma, toxic substances, disease, and stroke. ...
  9. Usually when BAC = 0.35%.