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columnar 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. columniform: having the form of a column; "trees with columniform trunks"; "columnar forms"; "a columnlike tree trunk"
  2. characterized by columns; "columnar construction"
  3. In biology, columnar refers to the shape of epithelial cells that are taller than they are wide. Form follows function in biology, and columnar morphorphology hints at the functions of the cell. Columnar cells are important in absorption and movement of mucus. ...
  4. A soil structure. Soil particles are arranged into tall vertical shapes or columns often with rounded tops.
  5. cells that are very long i.e. longer than they are broad; like a column
  6. cyclindrical and much taller than broad
  7. extending upward like a post or fingertip.
  8. An aggregate defined as a mineral which has parallel, slender, compact, adjoining crystals.
  9. An upright, cylindrically-shaped stem
  10. In the shape of a column or pillar
  11. Narrow, upright growth habit.
  12. forms column type shape.
  13. A narrow, vertical form.
  14. Tall or tapering growth.