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colorings 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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colourings, plural; colorings, plural;
  1. The process or skill of applying a substance to something so as to change its original color

  2. The process of filling in a particular shape or outline with crayons
    • - a coloring book
  3. A drawing produced in this way

  4. Visual appearance with regard to color, in particular

  5. The arrangement of colors and markings on an animal

  6. The natural hues of a person's skin, hair, and eyes
    • - her fair coloring
  7. The pervading character or tone of something
    • - the comments give a distinctly more ideological coloring to research conclusions
  8. A substance used to give a particular color to something, esp. food

  1. Food coloring (colouring) is any substance that is added to food or drink to change its color. Food coloring is used both in commercial food production and in domestic cooking. ...