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colored 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Having or having been given a color or colors, esp. as opposed to being black, white, or neutral,
  1. Having or having been given a color or colors, esp. as opposed to being black, white, or neutral
    • - brightly colored birds are easier to see
    • - a peach-colored sofa
  2. Imbued with an emotive or exaggerated quality
    • - highly colored examples were used by both sides
  3. Wholly or partly of nonwhite descent (now usually offensive in the US)

  4. Used as an ethnic label for people of mixed ethnic origin, including African slave, Malay, Chinese, and white

  5. Relating to people who are wholly or partly of nonwhite descent
    • - a colored club
  1. offensive. A person who is wholly or partly of nonwhite descent

  2. offensive. A person of mixed ethnic origin speaking Afrikaans or English as their mother tongue

  3. Clothes, sheets, etc., that are any color but white (used esp. in the context of washing and color fastness)

  1. having color or a certain color; sometimes used in combination; "colored crepe paper"; "the film was in color"; "amber-colored heads of grain"
  2. colored person: a United States term for Blacks that is now considered offensive
  3. having skin rich in melanin pigments; "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People"; "dark-skinned peoples"
  4. biased: favoring one person or side over another; "a biased account of the trial"; "a decision that was partial to the defendant"
  5. bleached: (used of color) artificially produced; not natural; "a bleached blonde"
  6. (color) a visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect; "a white color is made up of many different wavelengths of light"
  7. Colored in the U.S.A (also coloured in Canadian, British and Commonwealth spelling) is a term once widely regarded as a description of black people (i.e., persons of sub-Saharan African ancestry; members of the "Black race") and Native Americans. ...
  8. (Color (album)) Color is the third studio album by Japanese group NEWS, released on November 19, 2008. The album was released in a limited edition and regular edition. The regular edition comes with a bonus track. ...
  9. (Color (finance)) In mathematical finance, the Greeks are the quantities representing the sensitivities of the price of derivatives such as options to a change in underlying parameters on which the value of an instrument or portfolio of financial instruments is dependent. ...
  10. (Color (Isorhythm)) Isorhythm (from the Greek for "the same rhythm") is a musical technique that arranges a fixed pattern of pitches with a repeating rhythmic pattern.
  11. (Color (law)) In U.S. law, the term color of denotes the “mere semblance of legal right”, the “pretense or appearance of” right; hence, an action done under color of law colors (adjusts) the law to the circumstance, yet said apparently legal action contravenes the law.
  12. (Color (manga)) Color|| is a Japanese manga anthology written and illustrated by Taishi Zaou and Eiki Eiki. ...
  13. (color) The spectral composition of visible light; A particular set of visible spectral compositions, perceived or named as a class; blee; Hue as opposed to achromatic colors (black, white and greys); Human skin tone, especially as an indicator of race or ethnicity; interest, especially in a ...
  14. (coloration) The act or art of coloring; the state of being colored; A musical term denoting: A notational devise for indicating hemiola through either use of red ink (in mensural black notation) or black noteheads (in mensural white notation); or Ornamental division (also called passaggi, ...
  15. (colorful) Possessing prominent and varied colors; Interesting, multifaceted, energetic, distinctive; Profane, obscene, offensive (usually in the phrase colourful language)
  16. (COLOR) a visual perception of light casting on objects in various hues, lightness and saturation. See ANALOGOUS, SECONDARY, TERTIARY
  17. (Color) 99% of the color used comes from Germany or Bulgaria. The transparent colors are nearly all black until blown out in a piece and come shaped like a small rolling pin. The opaque colors are most often the same color as they started before melting.
  18. (color) The shade or tint imparted to water by substances in true solution, and thus not removed by mechanical filtration; most commonly caused by dissolved organic matter, but may be produced by dissolved mineral matter. ...
  19. the color of tobacco is a significant indicator of ripeness and overall quality. Monitoring color changes during ripening, curing, and fermentation plays a significant role in producing high-quality tobacco and tobacco products.
  20. (Color) A quality that is sometimes overlooked by novice wine drinkers, a wine’s color gives an indication of its body, its varietal makeup, and the methods of its production. Ideally, no matter what its hue, a wine should be limpid and clean-looking, with no murkiness.
  21. (Color) A key determinant of a wine’s age and quality; white wines grow darker in color as they age while red wines turn brownish orange.
  22. grading color in the normal range involves deciding how closely a stone's body color approaches colorlessness. Most diamonds have at least a trace of yellow or brown body color. ...
  23. (Color) a term used by wrestlers and promoters to discuss the amount of bloodshed in a match.^[2]^[1]^[4]
  24. (Color) Aspect of paint film that depends upon the spectral composition of the incident light, the spectral reflectance or transmittance of the film, and the spectral response of the observer, as well as the illuminating and viewing geometry.
  25. (Color) the character of a surface that is the result of the response of vision to the wavelength of light reflected from that surface.