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colorblind 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. Color blindness or color vision deficiency is the inability to perceive differences between some of the colors that others can distinguish. It is most often of genetic nature, but may also occur because of eye, nerve, or brain damage, or exposure to certain chemicals. ...
  2. Colorblind is the only single released by ex-Dream Theater Keyboardist Kevin Moore, under his standard recording name, Chroma Key. The standard edit of Colorblind can be found as track 1 of the album Dead Air for Radios. ...
  3. Colorblind is an album by Robert Randolph & the Family Band. It is the group's second studio album.
  4. (Colorblindness) Inaccurate term for a lack of perceptual sensitivity to certain colors. Absolute color blindness is almost unknown.
  5. (Colorblindness) The inability to perceive colors in a normal fashion. The most common forms of colorblindness are inherited as sex-linked (X-linked) recessive traits. Females are carriers and males are affected. ...
  6. (colorblindness) A recessive X-linked disorder in which an individual cannot distinguish between certain colors because they have a defective version of any one of the three genes associated with color vision.
  7. Colorblindness (as applied to racism) is the idea that explicitly acknowledging race is divisive or discriminatory. This ideology, which co-opts language from the Civil Rights Movement, has helped fuel a backlash against race-conscious programs such as affirmative action. ...
  8. Employee who can't distinguish between his own money and the company's
  9. This really means that color must be taken into account and racial minorities must get preferential government treatment over the predominant straight white males to rectify all the horrendous hate crimes, hate speech, and hate thoughts they continue to perpetrate against people of color on a ...