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color 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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colors, plural; colours, plural;
  1. Change the color of (something) by painting or dyeing it with crayons, paints, or dyes

  2. Take on a different color
    • - the foliage will not color well if the soil is too rich
  3. Use crayons to fill (a particular shape or outline) with color
    • - color the head, eyes, and bill with crayons
  4. Make vivid or picturesque
    • - he has colored the dance with gestures from cabaret and vaudeville
  5. (of a person or their skin) Show embarrassment or shame by becoming red; blush
    • - everyone stared at him, and he colored slightly
  6. Cause (a person or their skin) to change in color
    • - rage colored his pale complexion
  7. (of a particular color) Imbue (a person's skin)
    • - a faint pink flush colored her cheeks
  8. (of an emotion) Imbue (a person's voice) with a particular tone
    • - surprise colored her voice
  9. Influence, esp. in a negative way; distort
    • - the experiences had colored her whole existence
  10. Misrepresent by distortion or exaggeration
    • - witnesses might color evidence to make a story saleable
  1. The property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way the object reflects or emits light
    • - the lights flickered and changed color
  2. One, or any mixture, of the constituents into which light can be separated in a spectrum or rainbow, sometimes including (loosely) black and white
    • - a rich brown color
    • - a range of bright colors
  3. The use of all colors, not only black, white, and gray, in photography or television
    • - he has shot the whole film in color
    • - color television
  4. A substance used to give something a particular color
    • - lip color
  5. A shade of meaning
    • - many events in her past had taken on a different color
  6. Character or general nature
    • - the hospitable color of his family
  7. Any of the major conventional colors used in coats of arms (gules, vert, sable, azure, purpure), esp. as opposed to the metals, furs, and stains

  8. The appearance of someone's skin; in particular

  9. Pigmentation of the skin, esp. as an indication of someone's race
    • - discrimination on the basis of color
  10. A group of people considered as being distinguished by skin pigmentation
    • - all colors and nationalities
  11. Rosiness of the complexion, esp. as an indication of someone's health
    • - there was some color back in his face
  12. Redness of the face as a manifestation of an emotion, esp. embarrassment or anger
    • - color flooded her skin as she realized what he meant
  13. Vividness of visual appearance resulting from the presence of brightly colored things
    • - for color, plant groups of winter-flowering pansies
  14. Picturesque or exciting features that lend a particularly interesting quality to something
    • - a town full of color and character
  15. Variety of musical tone or expression
    • - orchestral color
  16. An item or items of a particular color or combination of colors worn to identify an individual or a member of a school, group, or organization; in particular

  17. The clothes or accoutrements worn by a jockey or racehorse to indicate the horse's owner

  18. The flag of a regiment or ship

  19. A national flag

  20. The armed forces of a country, as symbolized by its flag
    • - he was called to the colors during the war
  21. A quantized property of quarks which can take three values (designated blue, green, and red) for each flavor

  22. A particle of gold remaining in a mining pan after most of the mud and gravel have been washed away

  1. add color to; "The child colored the drawings"; "Fall colored the trees"; "colorize black and white film"
  2. a visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect; "a white color is made up of many different wavelengths of light"
  3. having or capable of producing colors; "color film"; "he rented a color television"; "marvelous color illustrations"
  4. interest and variety and intensity; "the Puritan Period was lacking in color"; "the characters were delineated with exceptional vividness"
  5. tinge: affect as in thought or feeling; "My personal feelings color my judgment in this case"; "The sadness tinged his life"
  6. the timbre of a musical sound; "the recording fails to capture the true color of the original music"
  7. Color or colour (see spelling differences) is the visual perceptual property corresponding in humans to the categories called red, green, blue and others. ...
  8. Color is the third studio album by Japanese group NEWS, released on November 19, 2008. The album was released in a limited edition and regular edition. The regular edition comes with a bonus track. ...
  9. In mathematical finance, the Greeks are the quantities representing the sensitivities of the price of derivatives such as options to a change in underlying parameters on which the value of an instrument or portfolio of financial instruments is dependent. ...
  10. Isorhythm (from the Greek for "the same rhythm") is a musical technique that arranges a fixed pattern of pitches with a repeating rhythmic pattern.
  11. In U.S. law, the term color of denotes the “mere semblance of legal right”, the “pretense or appearance of” right; hence, an action done under color of law colors (adjusts) the law to the circumstance, yet said apparently legal action contravenes the law.
  12. Color|| is a Japanese manga anthology written and illustrated by Taishi Zaou and Eiki Eiki. Color was serialized in Dear+, a magazine known for its romantic and non-explicit boys love manga published by Shinshokan, and a tankōbon collecting the chapters released in February 1999. ...
  13. The spectral composition of visible light; A particular set of visible spectral compositions, perceived or named as a class; blee; Hue as opposed to achromatic colors (black, white and greys); Human skin tone, especially as an indicator of race or ethnicity; interest, especially in a selective ...
  14. (coloration) The act or art of coloring; the state of being colored; A musical term denoting: A notational devise for indicating hemiola through either use of red ink (in mensural black notation) or black noteheads (in mensural white notation); or Ornamental division (also called passaggi, ...
  15. (colorful) Possessing prominent and varied colors; Interesting, multifaceted, energetic, distinctive; Profane, obscene, offensive (usually in the phrase colourful language)
  16. (Coloration) Listening term. A colored sound characteristic adds something not in the original sound. The coloration may be euphonically pleasant, but it is not as accurate as the original signal.
  17. (Coloration) Any change in the character of sound (such as an overemphasis on certain tones) that reduces naturalness.
  18. (coloration) An audible "signature" with which a reproducing system imbues all signals passing through it.
  19. (Coloration) An alteration of the character of music due to imperfect frequency response. Can make music sound shrill, dull, boomy, etc.
  20. (Coloration) In absinthe making, the step following distillation where the clear distillate is colored and further flavored by the maceration of additional herbs, such as Hyssop, Melissa, Petite Wormwood, etc.
  21. (Coloration) The Authentic® ceramic color palette is based on and compatible with the Vita Classic Shade System™ and includes a wide range of additional color modifiers and ceramic powers that extend esthetic control through the application of ceramics which vary in degrees of translucency and ...
  22. (Coloration) The change in frequency response caused by resonance.  This usually sounds either like a ringing in the ears, or white noise.
  23. (Coloration) Usually applied to the presence (or abundance) of midrange frequencies which tend to muddy the tone. See also Transparency.
  24. (Colored) Having timbres that are not true to life. Non-flat response, peaks or dips.
  25. (Colored) In South Africa one who is not black or white but comes from parents of different races.