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colonizes 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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colonising, present participle; colonized, past tense; colonizes, 3rd person singular present; colonized, past participle; colonizing, present participle; colonises, 3rd person singular present; colonised, past tense; colonised, past participle;
  1. (of a country or its citizens) Send a group of settlers to (a place) and establish political control over it
    • - the Greeks colonized Sicily and southern Italy
  2. Come to settle among and establish political control over (the indigenous people of an area)
    • - a white family that tries to colonize a Caribbean island
  3. Appropriate (a place or domain) for one's own use

  4. (of a plant or animal) Establish itself in an area
    • - mussels can colonize even the most inhospitable rock surfaces
    • - insect borers colonize in rotted shoreline deadfalls

  1. (colonize) settle as a colony; of countries in the developing world; "Europeans colonized Africa in the 17th century"
  2. (Colonizing) Colonization, (or Colonisation in British English), occurs whenever any one or more species populate an area. The term, which is derived from the Latin colere, "to inhabit, cultivate, frequent, practice, tend, guard, respect," originally related to humans. ...
  3. (colonize) Alternative spelling of colonise
  4. (Colonize) Move into a new area (as in the pilgrims colonized America). Non-native plants will also colonize new areas, particularly disturbed sites.
  5. (colonize) A settlement founded in one country by people from another country.
  6. (colonize) To link groups together, extend their hold, hone their efficiency, and increase their power.
  7. (Colonizing) A plant that is likely to behave as a colonizer when planted to enhance soil stabilization.