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colloquially 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. with the use of colloquial expressions; "this building is colloquially referred to as The Barn"
  2. (colloquial) characteristic of informal spoken language or conversation; "wrote her letters in a colloquial style"; "the broken syntax and casual enunciation of conversational English"
  3. A colloquialism is a linguistic phrase that is characteristic of or only appropriate for casual, ordinary, familiar, and/or informal written or spoken conversation, rather than for formal speech, standard writing, or paralinguistics. ...
  4. (Colloquial) Casual conversation, informal, or regional writing, often includes slang expressions.
  5. (Colloquial) A more technical term for vernacular.
  6. (Colloquial) everyday speech; particular to an area or group of people.
  7. (colloquial) describes a variety of a language used in informal speaking situations.