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colloquialisms 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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colloquialisms, plural;
  1. A word or phrase that is not formal or literary, typically one used in ordinary or familiar conversation

  2. The use of such words or phrases

  1. (colloquialism) a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech
  2. A colloquialism is a linguistic phrase that is characteristic of or only appropriate for casual, ordinary, familiar, and/or informal written or spoken conversation, rather than for formal speech, standard writing, or paralinguistics. ...
  3. (Colloquialism) a word or phrase used in informal language only.
  4. (Colloquialism) A word, phrase, or form of pronunciation that is acceptable in casual conversation but not in formal, written communication. It is considered more acceptable than slang. ...
  5. (COLLOQUIALISM) A word or phrase used everyday in plain and relaxed speech, but rarely found in formal writing. (Compare with cliché, jargon and slang.)
  6. (4.22 Colloquialism) Deadening professional jargon is the Scylla of bad style; colloquialism is the Charybdis: a salty everdayness will be welcomed if it is acute to its task, but colloquialism is usually slack and imprecise. For example
  7. (Colloquialism) "n. an expression used in ordinary conversation, but not regarded as slang" (Webster's Encyclopedia of Dictionaries 77); "simply informal English" (Historical Dictionary of American Slang)
  8. (Colloquialism) A regionally bound word formation and sounding, specific to particular areas within any given country. Many colloquialisms are now found in dictionaries, having been widely accepted as formal language.
  9. (Colloquialism) An expression that is usually accepted in informal situations and certain locations. Example: “He really grinds my beans”.
  10. (colloquialism) a commonly used word or phrase that may be inappropriate for a formal writing (can include words, phrases, aphorisms, slang, jargon, etc.)
  11. (colloquialism) informal word or phrase such as a lot, in a bind, pulled it off, and so on. These words are regularly used in conversations between friends, rather than in official written communication.