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collocating 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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collocates, 3rd person singular present; collocated, past participle; collocated, past tense; collocating, present participle;
  1. (of a word) Be habitually juxtaposed with another with a frequency greater than chance
    • - “maiden” collocates with “voyage.”
  2. Place side by side or in a particular relation
    • - McAndrew was a collocated facility with Argentia Naval Station

  1. (collocate) have a strong tendency to occur side by side; "The words 'new' and 'world' collocate"
  2. (collocate) group or chunk together in a certain order or place side by side
  3. (collocation) a grouping of words in a sentence
  4. (collocation) juxtaposition: the act of positioning close together (or side by side); "it is the result of the juxtaposition of contrasting colors"
  5. (Collocation (remote sensing)) Collocation is a procedure used in remote sensing to match measurements from two or more different instruments. ...
  6. (Collocations) Within the area of corpus linguistics, collocation defines a sequence of words or terms that co-occur more often than would be expected by chance. The term is often used in the same sense as linguistic government.
  7. (COLLOCATE) When more than one individual or group shares the same property.
  8. (COLLOCATE) Sharing of one property by more than one user; especially armed forces recruiting facilities.
  9. (Collocated) Pertaining to a configuration in which equipment resides in the same physical site.
  10. Collocated points are close to each other or at the same location. Multiple axis points cannot share the same location because graph coordinates are therefore impossible to compute, and should be widely separated so computed graph coordinates are most accurate.
  11. (Collocation) An arrangement whereby the facilities of one party (the Collocating Party) are terminated with the equipment necessary to provide interconnection or access to the network elements offered by the second Party. ...
  12. (collocation) The process of keeping all data belonging to a single client file space, a single client node, or a group of client nodes on a minimal number of sequential-access volumes within a storage pool. ...
  13. (Collocation) Locating wireless communications equipment from more than one provider on a single site.
  14. (Collocation) Collocations are (not necessary contiguous) sequences of words which occur with a higher frequency. One distinguishes between three different types of collocations: rigid noun phrases, predicate relations and phrasal templates [Sma93]. ...
  15. (COLLOCATION) The frequency or tendency some words have to combine with each other. For instance, Algeo notes that the phrases "tall person" and "high mountain" seem to fit together readily without sounding strange. ...
  16. (Collocation) 5:01 AM Apr 15th via web
  17. (Collocation) A competing local phone company can locate its equipment within a local exchange company’s (LEC) central office.
  18. (Collocation) Group of words associated together as an expression in the lexicon. Our class has decided "in this particular case" is a collocation in McGowan's idiolect.
  19. (Collocation) The likelihood that a particular word will occur in the neighborhood of another word. This tendency can be exploited by commercial names. The words spick and span are an example of collocation. We also associate baa with sheep and moo with cow.
  20. (Collocation) The phenomenon of words/lexical items tending to co-occur in close proximity to one another in spoken/written discourse (i.e. habitual or greater-than-chance co-selection of words). ...
  21. (Collocation) The tendency for words to occur regularly with others: sit/chair, house/garage.
  22. (Collocation) an FCC mandate for LECs to provide central office space to all parties that want to terminate their special access transmission facilities in the CO, which includes CAPs, IECs, CATV companies and end-users
  23. (Collocation) is moving or placing things together, sometimes implying a proper order. On the Internet, this term (often spelled "colocation" or "co-location") is used to mean the provision of space for a customer's telecommunications equipment on the service provider's premises. ...
  24. (Collocation) refers to how words occur together regularly and in a restricted way – e.g. blonde hair, lean meat, etc
  25. (collocation) (n.) The property of being on the same node. This concept is used during cluster configuration to improve performance.