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collies 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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collies, plural;
  1. A sheepdog of a breed originating in Scotland, having a long, pointed nose and thick, long hair

  1. (collie) a silky-coated sheepdog with a long ruff and long narrow head developed in Scotland
  2. The collie is a distinctive type of herding dog, including many related landraces and formal breeds. It originates in Britain, especially in the upland areas of the north and west. ...
  3. (Collie (Smooth)) The Smooth Collie is a breed of dog developed originally for herding. It is a short-coated version of the Rough Collie of Lassie fame. Some breed organizations consider the smooth-coat and rough-coat dogs to be variations of the same breed.
  4. (collie) Any of various breeds of dog originating in Scotland and England as sheepdogs
  5. (Collie) A general, and sometimes a particular name for country curs.
  6. (Collie) A medium-to-large dog of a breed originating in Scotland as a sheepdog, having a long narrow muzzle and either a long thick straight coat or a short hard flat coat, depending on the variety.
  7. (collie) (n.) a student enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences; a form paired with connie (q.v.), with the further pun on the name of a variety of dog
  8. The Collie is beautiful, intelligent, friendly, loyal, loving and sensitive.