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collegiate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Belonging or relating to a college or its students,
  1. Belonging or relating to a college or its students
    • - collegiate life
  2. (of a university) Composed of different colleges

  1. of or resembling or typical of a college or college students; "collegiate living"; "collegiate attitudes"; "collegiate clothes"
  2. Moe Jaffe (October 23, 1901 – December 2, 1972) was a songwriter and bandleader who composed more than 250 songs. ...
  3. (collegiately) In the manner of a community or of a group of colleagues; In the manner of an undergraduate institution of higher education
  4. All collegiate participants must be official students of the school team they are representing.    Participants may not represent more than one school.  Please see “divisions” page for more info.
  5. A collegiate athlete is any athlete enrolled full time in an accredited college or univeristy as of the date of the event. School id is required at packet pick up to verify enrollment. Not all Set Up events offer this category. ...
  6. (of church seating): Arranged in confronted rows facing north and south, rather than towards the altar; so called after the chapels of the older university colleges.