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collects 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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collects, 3rd person singular present; collecting, present participle; collected, past tense; collected, past participle;
  1. Bring or gather together (things, typically when scattered or widespread)
    • - he went around the office collecting old coffee cups
    • - he collected up all his clothing
  2. Accumulate and store over a period of time
    • - collect rainwater to use on the garden
  3. Systematically seek and acquire (items of a particular kind) as a hobby
    • - I've started collecting stamps
    • - the urge to collect, to have the full set, is in us all
  4. Come together and form a group or mass
    • - worshipers collected together in a stadium
    • - dust and dirt collect so quickly
  5. Call for and take away; fetch
    • - the children were collected from school
  6. Go somewhere and accept or receive (something), esp. as a right or due
    • - she went to Oxford to collect her honorary degree
  7. Solicit and receive (donations), esp. for charity
    • - collecting money for the war effort
    • - we collected for the United Way
  8. Receive (money that is due); be paid
    • - they called to collect a debt
    • - he'd come to collect
  9. Regain control of oneself, typically after a shock

  10. Bring together and concentrate (one's thoughts)

  11. Conclude; infer
    • - by all best conjectures, I collect Thou art to be my fatal enemy
  12. Cause (a horse) to bring its hind legs further forward as it moves, thereby shortening the stride and increasing balance and impulsion

  1. (in church use) A short prayer, esp. one assigned to a particular day or season

  1. (collect) payable by the recipient on delivery; "a collect call"; "the letter came collect"; "a COD parcel"
  2. (collect) a short prayer generally preceding the lesson in the Church of Rome or the Church of England
  3. (collect) roll up: get or gather together; "I am accumulating evidence for the man's unfaithfulness to his wife"; "She is amassing a lot of data for her thesis"; "She rolled up a small fortune"
  4. (collect) call for and obtain payment of; "we collected over a million dollars in outstanding debts"; "he collected the rent"
  5. (collect) gather: assemble or get together; "gather some stones"; "pull your thoughts together"
  6. (collect) get or bring together; "accumulate evidence"
  7. In Christian liturgy, a collect is both a liturgical action and a short, general prayer. In the Middle Ages, the prayer was referred to in Latin as collectio, but in the more ancient sources, as oratio. ...
  8. Collected is a "best of" album by British trip-hop collective Massive Attack, released on 27 March 2006. The album was preceded by the release of the single "Live With Me" on 13 March.
  9. (Collected (album)) Collected is a compilation album by Canadian rapper k-os. The album contains recent tracks from the first three albums, the hit singles, and remixes of a couple singles. The album also contains three new tracks. Two of which were leftovers from ''''.
  10. (Collected (Black 'n Blue box set)) Collected is a five disc Black 'N Blue box set, released in 2005, with 4 audio CDs and one DVD.
  11. (Collected (horse)) Collection is when a horse carries more weight on his hindlegs than his front legs. The horse draws the body in upon itself so that it becomes like a giant spring whose stored energy can be reclaimed for fighting or running from a predator. ...
  12. (Collected (Nine Inch Nails DVD)) Collected (aka Seed 1) is a 2005 promotional DVD, freely distributed in limited supply by Nine Inch Nails. ...
  13. (collect) The prayer said before the reading of the epistle lesson, especially one found in a prayerbook, as with the Book of Common Prayer; To gather together; amass items; To get; particularly, get from someone; To accumulate similar items or items belonging to a particular theme, ...
  14. (collected) Cool‐headed, emotionally stable, in focus
  15. (Collect (COL)) Freight charges to be paid by the consignee upon delivery or charged to their established account.
  16. (collect) a brief prayer which “collects” the petitions of the people
  17. (collect) abbreviation of 'collective', 'collectively'
  18. (Collect) Freight charges to consignee (discretion of carrier as to driver collect or billed to consignee).
  19. (COLLECT) (a.k.a. Bibliostat Collect) - Software used by LRS for the annual public library survey.
  20. (Collect) (dividend) – the dollar return from a winning bet. For a winning $10 bet at 6.00 odds the collect is $60.
  21. (Collect) A call that is paid for by the receiving/destination phone number. Requires approval/authorization of the person being called.
  22. (Collect) A prayer that is sung or said on behalf of the people by the celebrant or officiant at liturgical celebrations.
  23. (Collect) A precision work-holding chuck which centers bar stock or other workpieces automatically.
  24. (Collect) A term denoting that transportation charges are to be paid at the point of destination (by the receiver).
  25. (Collect) Bapt. ' the son of Nicholas,' from the nick. Col, and dim. Col-et or Colette. Found as Colecta in the 14th century. For quotation from Prompt. Parv., v. Collett. I believe the surname is extinct, but it lasted till the close of the 16th century, and is imitative. ...