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collections 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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collections, plural;
  1. The action or process of collecting someone or something
    • - the collection of maple sap
    • - tax collection
  2. A regular removal of mail for dispatch or of trash for disposal

  3. An instance of collecting money in a church service or for a charitable cause
    • - when she died, they took up a collection for her burial
  4. A sum collected in this way

  5. A group of things or people
    • - a rambling collection of houses
  6. An assembly of items such as works of art, pieces of writing, or natural objects, esp. one systematically ordered
    • - paintings from the permanent collection
    • - a record collection
  7. An art museum's holdings organized by medium, such as sculpture, painting, or photography

  8. A book or recording containing various texts, poems, songs, etc
    • - a collection of essays
  9. A range of new clothes produced by a fashion house
    • - a preview of their autumn collection

  1. (collection) several things grouped together or considered as a whole
  2. (collection) a publication containing a variety of works
  3. (collection) solicitation: request for a sum of money; "an appeal to raise money for starving children"
  4. (collection) the act of gathering something together
  5. Collections is the second budget compilation album of the singer Alexia released after she left the label. It is not regarded as an official Alexia hits compilation as it contains both singles and album tracks. ...
  6. Collections is a greatest hits album by Canadian country music artist Charlie Major. It was released by Sony BMG Canada on November 28, 2006.
  7. Collections is a compilation album released by Rick Astley in 2006.
  8. Collections is the second album by rock band The Young Rascals. The album was released on January 9, 1967 (Atlantic #8134) and rose to #15 on the Billboard Top LPs chart.
  9. (A Collection ...) A Collection... is a compilation album by The Birthday Party. It contains tracks from the albums The Birthday Party, Prayers on Fire, Junkyard, and EPs and singles from that time period.
  10. (A Collection (DVD)) A Collection is a 2005 DVD by New Order, featuring the majority of their music videos, as well as three alternate versions, two new videos for older songs, and a live performance. ...
  11. (collection) A set of items or objects procured or gathered together by a person, group, or other agent; Multiple related objects associated as a group; The activity of collecting; A set of sets
  12. (Collection) A draft drawn on the buyer, usually accompanied by documents, with complete instructions concerning processing for payment or acceptance.
  13. (Collection) The process a lender takes to pursue a borrower who is delinquent on his payments in order to bring the mortgage current again. Includes documentation that may be used in foreclosure.
  14. (“Collection”) means a collection of literary or artistic works, such as encyclopedias and anthologies, or performances, phonograms or broadcasts, or other works or subject matter other than works listed in Section 1(f) below, which, by reason of the selection and arrangement of their contents, ...
  15. (collection) The efforts used to bring a delinquent mortgage current and to file the necessary notices to proceed with foreclosure when necessary.
  16. (COLLECTION) The fee charged in a game (taken either out of the pot or from each player).
  17. (Collection) refers to two or more electronic documents containing related information that have been grouped together to facilitate retrieval.
  18. (Collection) The referral of a past due account to a specialist in collecting loans or accounts receivable.
  19. (Collection) an artificial accumulation of documents brought together on the basis of a common characteristic, such as subject, medium, name of collector, etc.
  20. (Collection) The act of pursuing debtors who are delinquent on payments due.
  21. (collection) The activities and/or actions associated with getting payment on unpaid loan principal and interest from a borrower after that borrower defaults on the loan. ...
  22. (collection) Forcing a borrower to pay what he owes on a loan.
  23. (Collection) a group of objects gathered for study, comparison and exhibition.
  24. (Collection) The act of picking up recyclable materials from state facilities.
  25. (COLLECTION) Group of coordinated clothes being shown by a designer