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collared 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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collars, 3rd person singular present; collared, past tense; collaring, present participle; collared, past participle;
  1. Put a collar on
    • - biologists who were collaring polar bears
  2. Seize, grasp, or apprehend (someone)
    • - police collared the culprit
  3. Approach aggressively and talk to (someone who wishes to leave)
    • - he collared a departing guest for some last words

  1. when there is a collar or coronet around the neck, also gorged
  2. A mortgage product that will not fall below a certain percentage. For example "collared at 4%" would mean the rate could never be below this. This gives the lender financial security but may allow them to offer a slightly better rate.
  3. Not technically a faction, this organization is under full jurisdiction of the League, responsible for management and control of the LYNX. Collared acts as an intermediary between the LYNX and the League. ...
  4. adorned with a circle around the ends.