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collapses 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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collapses, 3rd person singular present; collapsed, past participle; collapsing, present participle; collapsed, past tense;
  1. (of a structure) Fall down or in; give way
    • - the roof collapsed on top of me
  2. Cause (something) to fall in or give way
    • - it feels as if the slightest pressure would collapse it
    • - many people tend to collapse the distinction between the two concepts
  3. (of a lung or blood vessel) Fall inward and become flat and empty
    • - a collapsed lung
  4. Cause (a lung or blood vessel) to do this

  5. Fold or be folded to fit into a small space
    • - some cots collapse down to fit into a bag
  6. (of a person) Fall down and become unconscious, typically through illness or injury
    • - he collapsed from loss of blood
  7. Sit or lie down as a result of tiredness or prolonged exertion
    • - exhausted, he collapsed on the bed
  8. (of an institution or undertaking) Fail suddenly and completely
    • - in the face of such resolve his opposition finally collapsed
  9. (of a price or currency) Drop suddenly in value

  1. An instance of a structure falling down or in
    • - the collapse of a railroad bridge
    • - the church roof is in danger of collapse
  2. A sudden failure of an institution or undertaking
    • - the collapse of the Ottoman Empire
  3. A physical or mental breakdown
    • - he suffered a collapse from overwork
    • - she's lying there in a state of collapse

  1. (collapse) break down, literally or metaphorically; "The wall collapsed"; "The business collapsed"; "The dam broke"; "The roof collapsed"; "The wall gave in"; "The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice"
  2. (collapse) an abrupt failure of function or complete physical exhaustion; "the commander's prostration demoralized his men"
  3. break down: collapse due to fatigue, an illness, or a sudden attack
  4. (collapse) flop: the act of throwing yourself down; "he landed on the bed with a great flop"
  5. (collapse) fold or close up; "fold up your umbrella"; "collapse the music stand"
  6. (collapse) crash: a sudden large decline of business or the prices of stocks (especially one that causes additional failures)
  7. (Collapse!) Collapse! generally refers to a series of award-winning puzzle games by GameHouse, a software company in Seattle, Washington. In 2007, Collapse! ...
  8. (Collapse (2008 video game)) Collapse (Kолапс; Коллапс) is an action game released in 2008 for Microsoft Windows. It was developed by Creoteam, a company based in Ukraine. ...
  9. (Collapse (album)) Collapse is Across Five Aprils' second full-length album to be released on Indianola Records.
  10. (Collapse (geometry)) In Riemannian geometry, a collapsing or collapsed manifold is an n-dimensional manifold M that admits a sequence of Riemannian metrics g'n, such that as n goes to infinity the manifold is close to a k-dimensional space, where k < n, in the Gromov-Hausdorff distance sense. ...
  11. (Collapse (journal)) Collapse is an independent, non-affiliated journal of philosophical research and development published in the United Kingdom by Urbanomic. It was founded in 2006 by Robin Mackay. ...
  12. (Collapse (medical)) Collapse is a sudden and often unannounced loss of postural tone (going weak), often but not necessarily accompanied by loss of consciousness.
  13. (collapse) The act of collapsing; Constant function, one-valued function (in automata theory) (in particular application causing a reset); To fall down suddenly; to cave in; To cease to function due to a sudden breakdown; To fold compactly; For several batsmen to get out in quick succession; ...
  14. (Collapse) an inward structural failure of a filter element which can occur due to abnormally high pressure drop (differential pressure) or resistance to flow.
  15. (collapse) v.  fall down or in suddenly
  16. Collapse of a building and collapse of personal property within a building due to specified causes (such as weight of snow, ice or rain). Does not include collapse due to design error or due to faulty workmanship or materials if the collapse occurs after construction is complete
  17. (Collapse (Project)) Switch project in which customer services in an existing old analog switch are moved into an existing digital switch. Testing is performed on new services in the digital switch that haven't been certified earlier and which don't exist in the old analog switch. ...
  18. (Collapse) A human society’s descent to a significantly lower level of socio-political complexity over a relatively short period of time. (Joseph Tainter)
  19. (Collapse) A property insurance peril, subject to its own specific agreement in property policies, which otherwise insure on an open perils basis.
  20. (Collapse) Hide the sub-options available for the navigator option.
  21. (Collapse) In Outline View, reduces the selected slide to its title only, hiding all other text.
  22. (Collapse) Loss of strength, state of depression
  23. (Collapse) The act of hiding child objects of a parent element.
  24. (Collapse) The failure of a frozen product to maintain its structure, due to an unsuitable product temperature during sublimation.Collapse temperatures are often gradual in onset and can be difficult to measure.
  25. (Collapse) The flattening of single cells or row of cells in hardwood during the drying or pressure treatment of wood, characterized externally by a caved-in or corrugated appearance. Also, termed Honeycomb.