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coliforms 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. Coliform is the name of a test adopted in 1914 by the Public Health Service for the Enterobacteriaceae family. It is the commonly-used bacterial indicator of sanitary quality of foods and water. They are defined as rod-shaped Gram-negative non-spore forming organisms. ...
  2. (coliform) Such a bacterium; Of or pertaining to the bacteria that inhabit the intestines (especially the colon) of mammals
  3. (Coliform) Bacteria Non-pathogenic microorganisms used in testing water to indicate the presence of pathogenic bacteria
  4. (Coliform) One type of bacteria. The presence of coliform-type bacteria is an indication of possible pathogenic bacterial contamination. Fecal coliforms are those coliforms found in the feces of various warm-blooded animals, whereas the term coliform also includes other environmental sources. [2]
  5. (Coliform) A group of related bacteria whose presence in drinking water may indicate contamination by disease-causing microorganisms.
  6. (Coliform) Organisms common to the intestinal tract of humans and animals; the organisms' presence in waste water is an indicator of pollution.
  7. (Coliform(s)) Rod-shaped bacteria originating from the intestinal tract.
  8. (coliform) A bacteria that originates in the digestive system of mammals. If found in water, it alerts lab technicians that pathogens might be present.
  9. Bacteria that live in the intestines (including the colon) of humans and other animalsused as a measure of the presence of feces in water or soil.
  10. (Total coliforms) are bacilli that are commonly found in the digestive track of humans and other vertebrates. They include escherichia coli (E. coli). They are also found in soil. Testing for Total coliforms indicates the general sanitary condition of the environment or food they are found in. ...
  11. A category of bacteria that contains many harmless soil bacteria but also include human pathogens that originate in the intestinal tract of warm-blooded animals and humans.
  12. Coliforms include a wide range of organisms, such as E. coli, Klebsiella, Citrobacter and Enterobacter. Coliforms are defined as lactose fermenting gram-negative normal enteric (relating to the intestine) flora. Coliforms, other than E. ...