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coldest 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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colder, comparative; coldest, superlative;
  1. Of or at a low or relatively low temperature, esp. when compared with the human body
    • - a freezing cold day
    • - it's cold outside
    • - a sharp, cold wind
  2. (of food or drink) Served or consumed without being heated or after cooling
    • - a cold drink
    • - serve hot or cold
  3. (of an engine) Not having been warmed up properly

  4. (of a person) Feeling uncomfortably cold
    • - she was cold, and I put some more wood on the fire
  5. Feeling or characterized by fear or horror
    • - he suddenly went cold with a dreadful certainty
    • - a cold shiver of fear
  6. Unconscious
    • - she was out cold
  7. Dead
    • - lying cold and stiff in a coffin
  8. Lacking affection or warmth of feeling; unemotional
    • - how cold and calculating he was
    • - cold black eyes
    • - cold politeness
  9. Not affected by emotion; objective
    • - cold statistics
  10. Sexually unresponsive; frigid

  11. Depressing or dispiriting; not suggestive of warmth
    • - the cold, impersonal barrack-room
    • - a cold light streamed through the window
  12. (of a color) Containing pale blue or gray

  13. Ineffective in playing a game
    • - Butler capitalized on Xavier's cold shooting
  14. (of the scent or trail of a hunted person or animal) No longer fresh and easy to follow
    • - the trail went cold
  15. (in children's games) Far from finding or guessing what is sought, as opposed to warm or nearing success

  16. Without preparation or rehearsal; unawares
    • - going into the test cold

  1. Cold (the opposite of hot) refers to the condition or subjective perception of having low temperature; it is the absence of heat or warmth.
  2. Colder may refer to: *The superlative of cold. *Colder (artist), French electronic remixer. *List of aliens in Dragon Ball. King Cold character in Dragon Ball.
  3. (Colder (artist)) Colder is a French dance project.
  4. (Colder (song)) "Colder" is a single by the Finnish gothic metal band Charon from their album Songs for the Sinners. The single includes a music video for Colder.