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col 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cols, plural;
  1. The lowest point of a ridge or saddle between two peaks, typically affording a pass from one side of a mountain range to another

  2. A region of slightly elevated pressure between two anticyclones

  1. a pass between mountain peaks
  2. Colonel , abbreviated as Col or COL, is a military rank of a commissioned officer, with corresponding ranks existing in almost every country in the world. It is also used in some police forces and other paramilitary rank structures. A colonel is typically in charge of a regiment in the army.
  3. Col is a pencil and paper game, specifically a map-coloring game, involving the shading of areas in a line drawing according to the rules of Graph coloring. With each move, the graph must remain proper (no two areas of the same colour may touch), and a player who cannot make a legal move loses. ...
  4. (CoLS) Cost of Living Supplement
  5. (cols) To define the number of columns that the [taxonomy-list] shortcode generates, you will want to use the cols parameter. This parameter will accept an integer from 1 - 5. If this parameter is left empty, or a value outside of it's range is defined, it will default to three columns. ...
  6. (Say: cole) - French for a mountain pass.
  7. A dip in a ridge that forms a small, high pass.
  8. Col and Sag (see Sag) are typically dips in the ridge without a road, while Gap (see Gap) and Notch are typically larger dips that have a road going through. Sag is a typically southern term, as is Gap, while Col and Notch are typically northern terms. Water Gap, is of course, a Gap with a river.
  9. coll', colla - With or "with the."
  10. Columbia Pictures; "Alan Smithee had a three-pic deal at Col before he inked with Paramount."
  11. The three-character ISO 3166 country code for COLOMBIA.
  12. A depression or pass in a mountain range.
  13. A high mountain pass that forms when part of an arête erodes.
  14. In describing landforms, a pass between two valleys is sometimes termed a col. In describing molecular potential energy functions, this term is commonly used to describe analogous features of the PES; a col is the region around a saddle point having negative curvature along one axis and positive ...
  15. A col is a high, narrow, sharp-edged pass or depression in a mountain range, generally across a ridge or through a divide, or between two adjacent peaks. In particular, cols refer to deep passes formed by the headward erosion and intersection of two cirques, as in the French Alps. ...
  16. a "pass" or low, sometimes protected area on a massif (mountain range).
  17. [Fr., from L. "neck"] 1. A high pass. 2. A ridge between two higher peaks.
  18. The slack pressure region between two highs and two lows.
  19. The lowest point on a ridgeline connecting two peaks.
  20. colla – with the (col before a masculine noun, colla before a feminine noun); (see next for example)
  21. The center of the deformation zone where winds are calm.
  22. Colonel. A field-grade officer that commands a brigade. Also referred to as a "full bird" or "full bull".
  23. False colour image. Colours are assigned to classified sections of the image as derived from the original satellite data.
  24. The colour grade of the diamond. Click here to learn more about diamond colour grading.
  25. ANY The variable in the window common block which defines a relationship.