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coir 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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coirs, plural;
  1. Fiber from the outer husk of the coconut, used for making ropes and matting

  1. stiff coarse fiber from the outer husk of a coconut
  2. Coir from the MALAYALAM word kayaru for rope or thread or 'to be twisted'.
  3. Cóir (Irish for "justice"; pronounced) is a social Catholic, conservative Eurosceptic lobby group established to campaign against the Treaty of Lisbon which was approved by referendum in Ireland on 2 October 2009. ...
  4. The fibre obtained from the husk of a coconut, used chiefly in making rope, matting and as a peat substitute
  5. Processed coconut fibre often used in potting compost as a partial of complete substitute for peat.
  6. a type of yarn made from the husk of cocoanuts
  7. rope or cordage made from the fibrous husks of the coconut.
  8. Coir is made of coconut husks and is woven into area rugs.
  9. Fiber made by cracking the outer brown husk of the coconut, shredding it into coarse fibers, then twisting or weaving. Used for doormats, household brushes. Water-resistant and naturally durable.
  10. The district is the major centre of coir and allied products. There are about 4000 production units including a few big factories with mechanized looms. Alappuzha retains monopoly in coir production and exports.
  11. Growing medium derived from coconut fiber
  12. 151 Coconut fiber used to cover restoration and erosion sites. It allows grasses and shrubs to grow through it while the fiber rots away.