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coincident 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Occurring together in space or time,
  1. Occurring together in space or time
    • - an increasing specialization of discourse coincident with the progress of the Industrial Revolution
  2. In agreement or harmony
    • - the stake of defense attorneys is not always coincident with that of their clients

  1. occurring or operating at the same time; "a series of coincident events"
  2. matching point for point; "coincident circles"
  3. Coincident is a geometric term that pertains to the relationship between two vectors. Vectors consist of a "magnitude" and a "direction". Vectors can be said to be coincident when their direction is the same though the magnitude may be different; that is to say, they lie one on top of the other. ...
  4. Occurring at the same time; Being in the same location; Being in accordance, matching
  5. The sum of two or more demands that occur in the same demand interval.
  6. Overlap of spatial features. Any two spatial features that overlap in a particular space in any way are considered coincident. Coincidence is the exact region of that space that both features share. Coincidence is the fundamental aspect of vector fusion.
  7. Attaching a reference by aligning the coordinates of its design plane with those of the active DGN file, without any rotation, scaling, or offset.
  8. Two points fixed together.